Jumat, 22 Juni 2012


Arinayah Al Falah

1. Argumentative Paragraph

Married by Accident in Indonesia and America
          In Indonesia is a taboo to marry because of an accident. People argue that it is so embarrassing. The opinion of many parents to be overprotective of their children, but along with the times married since the accident public. Almost many people believe that marriage is an embarrassing accident and injure the reputation of the family, and when it means they have a very big shame. This makes some teenagers who have been married by accident they would prefer to cancel rather than maintaining it. Perhaps we will also be confused if faced with the choice to abort and treat, a very difficult choice. On the other hand, some teenagers in Indonesia choose to abort their unborn child before their parents because they think they know it is safer and keep the family name. In America particular is not taboo to marry because of an accident. Almost all adolescents in the United States have had sex. If there is already married by accident they consider it normal and natural thing. Some parents think to be very nice to deal with overprotective of their children. They have a point to think like that because with overprotective of their children will be more obedient and still in their path as a parent. This assumption is not entirely wrong it is their children will be more obedient in general. Some children who have overprotective parents will be more wild or uncontrollable if it is outside the home. They will do all the things that they cannot do in the house, thus making them easy to get a provocation from their friends and stick to free association because of an accident that resulted in marriage. There are such cases parents should help their children solve problems. Parents should let children make mistakes, let the child learn from mistakes so as not to repeat the same mistakes. Help your child to solve their own problems, but do not take advantage to your advantage. Children also need time alone to feel the boredom, because it will raise creativity to bring the child grows. Some people might argue in Indonesia is still a free country like the United States adopt a moral wrong. Whereas if we look deeper into the moral system of a country depends on how the behavior of that society. Comparison between moral systems, but does not rule out the possibility that after a while Indonesia became a free country like America. Today, if the past inadvertently married hard to find along with the times of marriage by mistake can be very easily found around us. Having said these cultures, which have different moral systems are different. But it is possible to marry because of an accident would be the norm in Indonesia for the provision of time that the current system is very experienced and the way of system to educate the children of parents who are sometimes wrong. So we as parents need to acknowledge and understand that we must maintain our current culture, so that children can avoid marriage because of an accident.

2. Cause and Effect Paragraph

Paragraph cause and effect
Habit of throwing rubbish must be embedded in everyday life. Society in general still not has the awareness to love, protect and preserve our natural environment. They thought it was just a slogan that does not need to be considered. Without a sense of guilt that litter our surroundings become dirty and unhealthy. When the rain came flooding could occur, if it happens like that, then people will blame someone else for the incident without them realizing that the disaster was a result of their own. Then we look, there are several types of rubbish that can be recycled to be used as a form more useful than the rubbish itself. For example, plastic rubbish or inorganic rubbish can be recycled into plastic ore and ore plastic can be used to create something from plastics such as household appliances and electronic equipment. While rubbish from plants or organic rubbish can be buried in the ground so the soil becomes fertile and useful for agriculture. In addition, the impact that may result from the rubbish can become disease. Disease occurs in many places shabby and dirty, especially diseases caused by animals. Plastic rubbish is most responsible for this because plastic rubbish cannot be digested by the soil. Rubbish can also cause odors that interfere with health. In addition, it can also become disease, such as flies and mosquitoes. So we have to dispose of trash in this place, so as not to disturbing us. When disposing of rubbish must be separated according to type so that rubbish can be recycled. Rubbish disposed would invite the fly to make a nest in the trash. Flies in the food or drinks will carry the seeds of disease, such as diarhea. Flooding has become an annual event for the community in Indonesia. No wonder, if the government struggled and pulled out a huge cost to resolve this problem. The water is a major component of life, so if the water we drink polluted by rubbish then we will be susceptible to disease. In addition, if the rubbish piling up in the river will also cause constriction of the river that caused the flooding. Indonesia is a country that produces the greatest rubbish in the world, so that if the trash is piling up, it can cause narrowing of the land. This is because the place is usually used for public housing has been converted into shelters that litter the area resulted in cannot occupied again. Finally, let us together to protect and preserve by removing the rubbish in place.

3. Definition Paragraph

The Origin of Fire
In human civilization, fire has been known for a long time. According to Persian mythology, the fire appeared in a fight against a dragon. a stone is thrown into the monster the hero was missed, then hit the rocks. When it collided sparks appeared. It was the first man to know the fire. The fire is also known by natural phenomena. For example, lightning struck the tree, volcanic activity, even a fire in the earth's surface that contains petroleum. From the introduction of fire, which produces heat and light, the thought came to use it. In addition to warm, the fire that burns constantly turned to prevent wild animals to come and attack them. Therefore, the fire was brought into the house, as well as lighting equipment. The evidence, in caves Choukoutien region, China, was found, the rest of the furnace, fireplace residual, charcoal and charred bones that allegedly used by the Peking man, Homo erectus in 500 000 BC. They are the 'human' first fire users. At first, people did not know how to make fire. When the wind was blowing hard, they saw sparks from tree branches rub against each other. There arises the idea of ​​rubbing two sticks. Unfortunately, the fire cannot easily arise. Whereas, in the ancient Egyptian, Persian, and Greek customs "save" the fire to the public, so that the fire should not be off. Heat sources such as sun and the fire is deified and considered as a holy source of life. So important that people consider fire as a gift from the gods, even the gods themselves. In the mythology of ancient India known as Agni, meaning fire - as the God of Fire to be the source of the fire of the sun, lightning, and a kitchen. The followers of  Zoroaster (628-551 BC), the confidence of the Persian character, making the fire as a center of worship and a very sacred power.Ketikkan teks atau alamat situs web atau terjemahkan dokumen.
AlphAlong with the increase of civilization, there were many methods of making fire. In addition to rotate shaft of wood between two palms, also called fireplow way, saw fire, or mechanical fire drills, fire piston, etc., are essentially rubbing stone and iron. 1827, English chemist John Walker finds a match, similar to use now. Actual fire heat and light that comes from burning objects. There are three requirements to make a fire, that is with the fuel (solid, liquid, or gas) and there is enough oxygen. This be proved in 1777 by Antoine Lavoisier, French chemist. In theory of "burning" caused by rapid combination of oxygen to other substances. In the event known as combustion or burning it, there is heat and light the fire. In contrast, coal, gas, magnesium, oil, and wood, giving heat and light that is strong enough. The color of light produced was different, depending on the type of fire and high temperature. The use of fire continued to grow until now. From torch that does not last long, rising in the form of a candle that is easy to carry around. In fact, Thomas Edison successfully used a fire producing the incandescent light. Currently, the heat of the fire was able to be converted into energy of motion to perform various types of machines. However, the fire could change awful if not controlled. House or forest fires can happen simply because there is a flammable object. The fire also claimed many lives and property. So, be careful in the use of fire.

4. Operating Paragraph

Operating procedure of LCD is very easy. First, you can put the cable of LCD and input in your computer or laptop. After that, you can turn on the LCD by push the button or use by remote. However , we can set our laptop firs before the projector connect. Sometimes, many user always use this by remote because it is easy to active this LCD. So, you can presentation comfortable by use LCD projector easily. Enjoy your presentation.

5. Internet

Topic : Internet
Topic sentence : Internet Has Many Benefit in Education

Development of the technology world is getting faster makes the world of education is also progressing very fast. Amost many people uses the internet because it can give many information resources of educaion such as science and knowledge. Many people know that the benefits of the internet. It can helps student and teacher to increase the skill especialy in writing skills and their job everyday . It is very easy for the student to find benefits of the internet for education, for example the student can use the internet for communicate their job and submit by use e-mail to their teacher and for the teacher too, it is something easy to correct and communicate to their student. The purpose of this essay is to give more information to the readers about the benefits for studends school project, future students, and benefits for teachers.

6. Lifestyle

Theme : Lifestyle
Topic : Dating in Indonesia

Dating in Indonesia has become a natural thing for the young. some teenagers in Indonesia is definitely a boyfried or girlfriend in dating. dating is the thing that has become a culture for teenagers because if you do not have a partner, then they are considered less modern. dating in Indonesia has many effects because of the tradition that has been dating a real violation of legal norms, religious norms, and social norms in Indonesia. Most of teenager in Indonesia violated legal norms in the dating. this is because most people are dating using sex and drugs in these activities.We see on television, many young couples are caught by the cops in sex party. It also violates the norms of religion, this is because many young people who often go out with a drink of wine. It is very influential in the religious ban for taking illegal. Violate social norms, most teenagers who are dating often do less well in the environment such as go home tonight after their date. So, we as teenagers can be really good care of myself so as not to get into the wrong culture like this date. Teenagers, especially girls, should know that respect for him is very important. In the social problem of sex, drugs and alcohol. Finally, if they want to maintain their identity, they must resist the negative influence of his friends or his girlfriend. Moral and religious foundation should be strong.