Rabu, 20 Juni 2012

Individual Final Project

Name : Alfian Cahyo Budiardi
NIM  : 201010100311107
Class : IV-B

March 7, 2012 (Making topic sentence with fact or opinion controlling idea)
1. I am very happy to study English in University of Muhammadiyah Malang.(opinion)
2. Indonesia is located in the South East Asia. (Fact)
3. SBY is the president of Indonesia. (Fact)
SBY is the president of Indonesia. He had been elected since 2004. He is the sixth president of Indonesia.

April 11, 2012 (Adjective Clause)
Rudi who is an entrepreneur just bought three new cars yesterday. He bought it in a city where he was born forty two years ago named Tulung Agung. Those cars which are made by Toyota are the new product in this 2012.

April 23, 2012
The eraser, which has blue frame, is brought by Ayu. She decided to bring the blue one  because she loves that color. Another reason is because that eraser is the new one. So that, she brought it in order to save it. The last reason is because there is no one want to bring it so she backdown for it. In brief, Ayu keep and save the eraser.

Individual Project Published
Operating Procedure of LCD
Operating procedure of LCD is very easy. Almost most of the students can operate it. The first step which we have to do is turning it on by pushing the power button after we plugged the cable in. Then, we plug the VGA cable to our laptop or computer in. Next, we just need to check whether the desktop has already been displayed or not. Usually it works automatically. To display it manually, you can use a certain key in your keyboard based on the brand. So that, we just need a few of times to operate it.

May 21, 2012 (Argumentative)
The Disadvantages of Plastic
On my opinion, plastic can give many bad effects to our environment. First, I think the chemical substance in the plastic which is in the land will kill the decomposer animal like a worm. Second, the huge numbers of plastic in the land also disturb water cycles; consequently, water will be difficult to be absorbed even though there are a lot of trees. Next, we also need fuel to produce a plastic. It is about 2 million liter fuel per year that some of them are taken from a forest. It means that we need to open or explore a forest to get it. Moreover, it also can cause greenhouse effect as a result of the uses of fuel. In conclusion, plastic can disturb our life that is caused by its bad effects for our environment.

April 9, 2012
Bike to School
Recently, many students use their bike to go to school because it has a lot of advantages. There are many reasons they prefer to use their bike. The first reason is about financial aspect. By using bicycle to school, students can save a lot of money from the fuel allocation. It seems only a few of money but we should realize that it will always increase day to day. We can imagine that we go to school at least six times a week and we are saving five thousand rupiah per day. In a week, we will save around thirty thousand rupiah. From that money, we can use for other needs which are more important for us. Next, we also contribute to keep our environment green and clean because of the reduction of the fuel emission. There are less discussion that all motor-vehicles are producing fuel emissions as a result of its engine combustion. Those emissions will contaminate our air and cause air pollution which is very dangerous for us because it will make a hole in our ozone layer broader. It will cause global warming in our earth and unpredictable weather in every part of earth. Absolutely, it will continue to disturb our lives. By using bike every day, we have reduced those risks. Besides we save our financial and our live, we also do a good thing for our health. By cycling to school, we have made our body move and produce sweat. It is really good for our health because it can make the toxic in our body out. It can avoid us from some dangerous diseases such as stroke, cancer and heart. Consequently, we can make our lives longer. Cycling is also can reduce the number of traffic jam in the big city. By using bicycle, it can provide some spaces on the road because bicycle has smaller size than other vehicles such as car, motorcycle even pedicab. As a result, it will be more efficient in using the street and make us easy to go everywhere without any worry anymore. In conclusion, bike to school is a great idea and it is very worth to do in our daily activities because it is very beneficial for us.

June 13, 2012 (Analytical Exposition)
The Advantages of Being Vegetarian
Nowadays, foods have become a big factor for people’s health. It is because many substances inside them that will be processed in a chemical reaction in our body. There are several substances which potentially disturb our health such as fat, cholesterol, and glucose which will be very dangerous if it is in big amount. As a result, people try choosing their lifestyle in consuming foods. One of them is being a vegetarian. It brings many advantages for those who consume it like losing their weight and also keep our health.
First, people choose it as a media to lose their weight because vegetables have less number of carbohydrates than rice. It makes the energy made is also smaller than rice. Although it has smaller number of carbohydrates, it has enough calories to fulfill people’s need in the daily activities; so that, people does not need to worry about it. Because of the smaller number of carbohydrates, the back-up of energy is affected and cause the body weight is decrease.
Second, other people who believe with vegetarian argue that it can also keep our health. Absolutely they have a strong reason to say so. As we all know that vegetables contain a lot of good substance which is functioned as an anti-oxidant in the body. It will catch the free radical substance which is very dangerous in our body. Next, they protein contained by vegetables also influence our immune system. It can increase the immune system. By having a good and strong immune system, it will be very difficult for viruses or bacteria to attack; consequently, we will be in very good and healthy condition.
In brief, our lifestyle in consuming foods has some effect for our lives because it can cause a disease if we does not manage and control it. One of the alternatives to avoid the risks is by being a vegetarian. It will be a very good and appropriate choice for us because it gives us many advantages.

June 13, 2012
Mojokerto Should Develop Two Potential and Interesting Things
As a small city, Mojokerto needs to develop two potential and interesting things like tourism places and industry. As a city which is located around a mountain, it has some natural places which can be used as tourism places. Most of the favorite tourism places are the natural places. There are some waterfalls there such as in Pacet and Trawas. People often come there and visit one of them. In Pacet, there are two waterfalls which can be visited by people. Its names are Coban Canggu and Coban Grenjengan. It needs to be developed because each of them has its different characteristic which makes people interesting to come there to enjoy the scenery and the adventure provided. With seventy meters high, Coban Canggu gives us a wonderful view. People can play with their children as close as possible with the water. They can touch and play the water freely. Besides, people are given a special experience to have an adventure as long as the way to reach the waterfall. People will pass at a river with many big stones to reach it. It is the only way to reach the waterfall. During on the way to the waterfall, you may find any kind of animals. People can take any picture with them. While Coban Grenjengan is located near with the swimming pool, it provides different experience to the people visiting there. The challenge is different from Coban Canggu because people have to hike a hill next to the swimming pool to reach Coban Grenjengan. People will pass a small road between an outbound and camping area. From this area, people are able to see very beautiful n broad view to the Mojokerto city. The ticket is also relatively cheap. Visitors only need to pay about IDR 3000 to enter the area. Visitors will have about one kilometers walk trip to reach the waterfall. In this waterfall, people can hike to the top of the waterfall by a footpath next to it. It has been an appeal for the tourist to visit there. Those two places are very potential to be developed in term of facilities and services to increase its quality. Besides tourism places, there is also about industrial aspect. In Mojokerto, there are a lot of home industry which produce batiks, shoes, and statues. All of those industries are spread between west-side of the city such as in Prajurit Kulon with its shoes industries, Trowulan with its statues industries and Surodinawan with Batiks and shoes industries. It needs to be developed because all of them are potential to increase the city’s economic situation. Recently, all of their products are not only consumed by local customers but also regional and national customers; so that, it needs government helps to improve their industries.

June 13, 2012
The Effects of Sleeping for Our Lives
Sleeping gives some effects for our lives. Everyone always do it everyday. Sleeping is also one of the human needs. As we know that scientists ever stated that human can die if do not have sleep in 4 days continuously. Human usually need at least 8 hours long for sleep everyday. If it is not fulfilled, it will appear some problems in our health such as psychological, physical etc. Of course it will disturb our activities. In some cases, sleeping provides us many advantages. Sleeping can keep our health because by having enough sleep hours our body will be on the top performance and our stamina will be stable. Consequently, body’s metabolism will work properly so our body work is not too hard. Then, sleeping also can be used as a time to take a rest from our daily activities. If it does not have by someone, it can change a lifestyle of a person that will affect to the health of the person itself. Actually, there are at least two kinds of sleeping that familiar with us. It is deep sleep and take a nap. Deep sleep means sleeping that has good quality and usually more than two hours long. These kind of sleeping are usually done by people in the night. While take a nap is a kind of sleep which usually people do in the afternoon or when on the break of their works in a short time or only about 2 hours long maximum. On the other hand, sleeping also has some disadvantages. One of them is supple. Supple can be gotten if we are sleeping many hours over the normal time. We will feel tired in the entire of our body after having a very long sleep continuously. Sleeping after having any kinds of eating especially hard eating is also can make our body supple because the metabolism in our body still in process while we are sleeping especially in the afternoon. As a result, the metabolisms are forced to work while we are sleeping that makes our muscles are strain. It can also make someone lazy. We can be lazy to do anything because we have accustomed to have relaxed time in our time. It can influence our psychology. So that, sleeping provides us different effects that are very significant for our lives.

June 13, 2012
University of Muhammadiyah Malang
University of Muhammadiyah Malang which is usually also called as UMM is the biggest and the best private university in East Java. It is called as the biggest university because it has big buildings in a wide area in Malang. As a private university, it has wide area as a place to accommodate its students. Generally, the area of the university is divided into three area that are campus I, campus II and campus III. The biggest and widest campus is campus III where is a place for undergraduate students are learning everyday. Campus I is used for doctoral degree student and campus II is used for medical faculty and health sciences faculty for undergraduate students. In campus III, there are three main buildings as a lecturing building. Each of them has six floors. The architectures are very interesting and different from other universities in Malang generally because in campus III, the architectures are designed in hilly contour of land. Consequently, it makes the sensation is different from normal situation. There is also a small lake in the middle of the area of the campus. It is located in front of the Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT) building and Academic administration bureau. There is also a helipad in front of the rector office. In the east side of the main buildings, there is a stadium which is located next to the tennis court and also conservative area for plans and animals. This university has also any kinds of laboratory to support and facilitate the existing faculty such as Agriculture and Husbandry Faculty which is located in the west side of the campus area and also other laboratories which is spread in the campus. In front of the campus there are a mosque and Dome. The mosque is named A.R Fachrudin which is taken from one of the name of Muhammadiyah Chiefs. It has 5 floors which are not only used for pray but also there are another function such as library, hall rooms, studying rooms, and also laboratories. Then, Dome is a big hall that has approximately five thousands capacity and 400 seats VVIP hall. In academic achievements, UMM has achieved AKU award from the KOPERTIS four times continuously that makes it was given special award named AKU KARTIKA. It also has cooperation with European Union in education called Erasmus Mundus. It facilitate the student both from UMM or Europe to get student exchange program every year.

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