Rabu, 20 Juni 2012

Final Project

Eka Harjayanti (201010100311092)

1. Individual Assigment

Operating LCD is Easy

Operating procedure of LCD is very easy. So that, not only the lecturer, but also almost of student in the class can operate it. Firstly, you only have to push the power bottom of LCD projector and make sure that the lamp is turning on yellow, but if it is still red it signs that LCD is not already to use. Secondly, turn on the laptop, then plug the projector cable in to the laptop in. Next, wait for awhile until laptop is ready to use, then push the bottom Ctrl and Fn on the keyboard at the same time and the procedure is completed.

2. Argumentative Paragraph

Erotic dangdut singer gives bad impact to society.

The government should be more prudently in taking actions against the performance of dangdut singers that spread in some cities in Indonesia. Nowadays, most of them are only show sexy and impolite appearance and also a vulgar dance that did not deserve to be displayed in public. Their goal to entertain the people instead will give a negative effect on the audience even for themselves. Sometimes, the show that they do in an outdoor stage allowing anyone to be able to watch the appearance of these sexy dangdut singers, no exception for children under age. In fact, that impolite show by those vulgar dangdut singers is very vulnerable to be watched by children. Consequently, it is not impossible that children will remember and follow the style and dance indicated by those dangdut singers. It will also impact on the tranquility of a household, because it is not uncommon to many husbands who are seduced by their sexiness as well as the vulgar behavior of those sexy dangdut singers, so affair would be difficult to avoid. Many people who think negative and underestimate those dangdut singers, even think that they are annoying, it possible to happen because it is caused by their own way to undervalue themselves. Seen from their clothes, makeup, and stage action that is not suitable watched actually. Thus, it is why boycotts and bans on stage for some sexy dangdut singers frequently happen in some cities. Not only lowered the self esteem of themselves, but their actions that shown in public is indirectly lowers women’s self-esteem in front of men. One of the sad facts of this reality is, that not only adult women who dare to take a decision to be sexy dangdut singer, but also many young women who took the decision to became the sexy dangdut singer. In order to become an erotic singer, it must be through a difficult decision and it will not be easy. Many things to consider include the risk of doing that and one of the greatest considerations they decided certainly related to economic factor. Indeed, this is where the role of government is needed in order to prosper the society. Thus, governments are required to be prudent to use of their authority. Government may block and stop their actions, but they have to provide the proper jobs for them.  On the other hand, maybe a lot of the old generation of dandgut singer who feel offended by the actions of the newcomer singer in exploiting it irresponsibly. Dangdut is also one of the icons of Indonesian culture that now become polluted due to irresponsible act by the erotic dangdut singer. Not because we do not appreciate how them struggle in fighting for their careers in dangdut, but the action that they shown on stage is not only humiliating to women, but also their own self image even dangdut music itself in the public. Perhaps, not all of dangdut singer appearance has a sexy look when on stage, but to find a dangdut singer who dressed decently and decent has very rarely can be found at this time. In brief, the show of erotic dangdut singer will only impact to disturb adverse to many parties, so sad but true!

3. Definition Paragraph

Healthy living by becoming a vegetarian

Nowadays, more people are starting to consider a healthy lifestyle by becoming vegetarian. Perhaps not all of us know what vegetarian is and what impact for our lives. Vegetarian is the designation for people who eat only plants and, do not eat food that comes from living things such as meat and poultry, but may still eat seafood such as fish, or processed animal products like eggs, cheese, or milk. The term 'vegetarian' was created in 1847. The original definition of 'vegetarian' is with or without eggs and dairy cattle, and this definition is still used by the Vegetarian Society today. However, most vegetarian in India did not put eggs in their diet, as well as those of the classical Mediterranean lands. In Indonesia, Javanese ethnic groups traditionally do not eat too much meat and likes to eat tofu and tempe in their menu so it can be said to be semi-vegetarian diet or flexitarian. There are some different types of vegetarians, such as lacto-ovo vegetarians, lacto vegetarians, ovo vegetarians, vegan, fruitarians, pescetarians, and pollo vegetarians. First, lacto-ovo vegetarians are vegetarian believe in eating only vegetable based food but indulge in eggs or dairy products. Second, lacto vegetarians are vegetarians that eat dairy products however, they do not eat eggs. Third, lacto-ovo vegetarians are like lacto vegetarians, except they include eggs in their diet. In contrast with three types previously, vegans must plan their diets carefully to ensure they get all of the nutrients they need each day. Vegans are typically prone to deficiencies in protein, calcium, iron, zinc, and vitamin B12. Almost same as vegans, fruitarians only indulge in food sources that qualify as fruits although including like seeds and nuts in some cases. Then, a pescetarian is one who consumes anything that they wish to, but abstains from meat of all kinds except fish and in some cases, shellfish. Next and the last is a pollotarian as this form of vegetarianism is also called, is where poultry and in some cases fish, is consumed. In the other hand, things that became consideration a person being a vegetarian is from its benefit for life. Vegetarians have a greater chance of curbing away from health issues that are brought on by meat lovers, especially those who love red meat. Seeing that it is high in saturated fat, it is a number one contributor to heart disease and obesity. Vegetarianism sounds like such a healthy option and those that lack an agreeable lifestyle should think of not giving up to meat completely, but cutting down consumption of some not safe foods source.

4. Cause and effect paragraph

Cause to effect of stress

Stress comes from many different things and is the cause of many problems in a person’s life. Stress management can be complicated and confusing because there are different types of stress. Generally the causes of stress are an unfulfilled desire or a worry if something is not met. A feeling or emotional which stimulate body's metabolism to work naturally, but this often occurs when metabolism may lead to over load or  work overload which in turn can affect the metabolism of the other becomes not normal again. There are three main types of stress, acute stress, episodic acute stress, and chronic stress. Each has their own characteristics, symptoms and treatment approaches. First, acute stress, this is the most common of all the kinds of stress. It is caused by things that have upset or worried us in the recent past and by pressures and worries of the future. Acute stress can be thrilling in small doses but too much of it is exhausting. Second, episodic acute stress,  is seem to be perpetually caught up in acute stress, with no gaps in between. People in this situation tend to overreact, be short tempered, irritable, anxious and tense. Treating episodic acute stress may need intervention on a number of levels and professional help. It is need to take control of their reactions and stress symptoms before it reaches this stage. Third, chronic stress, is caused by unrelenting demands and pressures that never seem to end. Some chronic stress comes from childhood trauma that becomes internalize and affects how you feel about yourself for the rest of your life. Cognitive therapy has proved to be very helpful in dealing with negative emotions. With active self examination and professional help, recovery is possible.  Almost everyone has some type of stress. Some people cope with it better then others. Causes of stress are known as stressors. Stressors can be physical or emotional, internally or externally generated. Stressors can be events, situations, people or demands the individual perceives to be the source of stress. Stress can give a negative impact for themselves and even for the people around them. A negative effect that caused by stress for body such as, stress can damage the immune system, which explains why we catch more colds when we are stressed. It may intensify symptoms in diseases that have an autoimmune component, such as rheumatoid arthritis. It also seems to affect headaches and irritable bowel syndrome, and there are now suggestions of link between stress and cancer. In Addition, stress can also affect people around us. Their anxiety, worry, tension and unstable emotion would make people around them feel uncomfortable.

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