Rabu, 20 Juni 2012

Azlinaayu's final project

argumentative paragraph
Cell phone
 Most adults have a cell phone and even children as young as 8 years of age own one. Cell phones can be used for a lot more than talking. Cell phones can be used in the classroom to help students with their academics. Young adults can use the calendars to record due dates for homework and tests. As Americans we have grown accustomed on relying on our cells for our communication needs. Also, students need cell phones in case of an emergency. Remember the massacre that happened at Columbine School? For these reasons, I think cell phones should be allowed in schools.
   First of all, cell phones can be very helpful in the classrooms. Students could use their camera on cell phones to take pictures of school experiments being done by the teacher. This would help students remember information for an upcoming test. Also, students could perform phone interviews during class time. Most cell phones have calendars on them, so students can put the due date of a test that is coming up. In addition, students could record their teacher giving a lecture.
   Also, parents and students rely on their cell phones to get in contact with each other. Parents may need to get in contact with their children because of a family emergency such as, a death in the family or an accident that has happened. If parents are able to call or text their children at school, then it would be less likely chance that a mix-up would occur relaying messages. Also, it would save the office staff time because they would not have to be running around the school all day delivering messages.
  In addition, if there was an emergency students may need to reach their parents. If a gunman came into a school then students could call 911 and give them information on his whereabouts, what he looks like, and a description of his clothes. For these reasons, cell phones can become lifesavers in an emergency. If a student happened to pass out in a classroom, it would be faster to call on a cell phone versus taking 5 minutes to run down to the office and make the call. Ultimately, this could save a student's life.
   In essence, cell phones are imperative in our lives. In an emergency cell phones could save a person's life by being able to get in contact with the police. Cells can also help parents know where their children are after school. Today, cell phones are more like a small hand-held computer. That could become very useful in schools that don't have a lot of extra computers for the children to use.

Descriptive paragraph
Kinds of cats
Cats are one of the funniest animals around us. Cats are often kept by humans as a hobby. Indeed, the cat can not eat animals such as chickens and ducks. But, keep the cat is fun for some people. In fact, cats are the pets of the most cherished by the noblest man in the world. For those of you who are interested to take care of cats, of course you must know the types of cats first. First , Toyger cat is cat that have a medium size, neither too big nor too small. This type of cat's medical history is quite good and rarely sick. Toyger has a fairly strong performance, with intermittent orange striped black, like the fur of a tiger. That distinguishes it from the tiger may be only the size of his body only. In general, cat toyger is a type frequently encountered. Second, Maine coon from the United States. Maine Coon cat is one that has a very nice body adaptation to cold. Evidently, they were able to survive in the snow. Maine Coon characteristics are as follows: Body and the fiber length is rather large a square, eyes wide and oval ,The nose wide and curved at the end , The tail is long and wide, Have strong bones and muscles , large ears(wide at bottom). Third, Siamese came from the country of Thailand. Why is called Siamese? because the country was formerly called Siamese. Indonesia people would rather to call siam. This is the characteristic Siamese cat or siam cats: small head and triangular shaped ,blue-eyed, The ears are wide,short hair and smooth,  sharp muzzle, There is a contrasting color on the ends of the body such as feet, ears, mouth, tail, nose and around eyes and Body long, slim, muscular and graceful. Forth, This type is the type most favored by humans. Not only that, the selling price could Ragdoll high value, up to millions and even tens of millions of dollars. Ragdoll physical characteristics: Having a great body and weight. Female cats (5 to 7.5 kg) and male cats (6-10 Kg) ,have a large pelvic, medium fur length and texture similar to a rabbit , The chest wide, Being an adult cat at the age of about 3 years , Have 4 kinds of colors: seal, blue, and chocolate, lilac. At the time the kitten, ragdoll born with white and then the other colors appear.

 cause and effect paragraph

Nowadays, many kinds of fast food restaurants are available in the malls and strategic places. The international branded restaurants such as KFC and McDonald grow quickly from one city to another all over the world. It indicates that the fast food restaurants are popular and preferable. There are several causes and effects of the popularity of fast food restaurant and fast food.
The first cause is needs of modern community which have intensive activities.  In a family, both husband and wife have a tendency to have job.  Consequently, they do not have enough time to cook and the frequency of eating take out is increased.  Most people work full days with a lunch break of limited time, thus practically they need fast food for lunch.
Secondly, efforts of fast food restaurant companies to improve their products and services are also the cause of their popularity.  Improving products includes food quality in diverse taste.  For example, KFC in Thailand offers a special taste which may not be found in other countries.  Restaurants also provide good services such as quick service, convenience place even fun and entertain.  Some restaurants also provide free delivery services which consumers can just call to order. Serving food in many kinds of package can make consumers choose quickly by pointing to the appropriate picture and price.
Third, now the fast food restaurants provide not only free delivery service but also now open 24 hours. So if you hungry in the midnight and you do know where were you go, you just come to fast food restaurant such as KFC and McDonald.
Besides its popularity, fast food has some effects on human health.  Most fast food contains calories from refined sugar and fats. It is also high in sodium from salt and other additives which can lead to some one to eat it more and more. Consuming more calories than human needs lead to obesity which causes some health problems such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease and even cancer. Also people are better off having a home cooked meal because it is much lower in calories than dinner at a fast food restaurant.
In conclusion, popularity of fast food restaurants is caused by life style of modern people, food quality and good services.  Besides its popularity, fast food has an effect on human health.  Reducing frequency of fast food meal and eat more fresh vegetables and fruits may lead to reduce health risk in the future.

Operating procedure of LCD  is very easy. It cause most of teachers  use the LCD projector. There are some steps to use it. First, turn on the LCD and plug the cable into the laptop. Second, when you are ready to project your image, press "Function" (Fn) plus "F8." This combination of keys sends your computer's display to the LCD projector.Then, the LCD is  ready to use.

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