Selasa, 12 Juni 2012

Final Assignments

Writing Quiz
Topic: Bad Luck
Controlling Idea: Unpredictable thing
List of Controlling Ideas:
·         It comes to everyone
·         It does not look what kind of job you get
·         It appears everywhere
·         You cannot know when it comes
·         In spite of awful caused by bad luck, you had better accept it
Transition Signals: moreover, otherwise, in spite of fact that, at the end, even.
Type of paragraph: explanation

“The one which you cannot escape from”
                A bad luck, which everyone will not accept to receive, is unpredictable thing. It could come to everyone whether you are a man or woman. It does not look what kind of job you get; it possibly comes to you as you are giving a speech on the stage. Moreover, it brings itself before you, even you have not been ready to face it. It appears everywhere, when you are inside in ambulance, when you are laying your back over the bad or even when you are about to get an injection from doctor. You can know when it comes; otherwise, it is the one which everyone cannot avoid to. In spite of fact that it is awful, you had better accept it; when you are fallen by powder, when you are accidently thrown out  from the ambulance, or even when the doctor miss-injects your body. At the end, a bad luck is the one that you cannot escape from.

“The Diversity in Living the Life”

Topic Sentence: every single person has their own path in living the life.
Controlling idea: has their path
Concluding: despite all of those diversities, they are representing the human existence.

                Every single person has their own path in living life. It is barely possible that people can live their life as well as the others; even though, they live in a same district or even in the same roof. They indeed have their own life. Living in a Belfast, being surrounded by a warm friendly people make Alison stay longer up to 1994. In the other part of world, Jennifer living in Erie loves her life due to her great circle fellows. Thus, she is able to go through the four seasons: summer, spring, autumn and also winter. At the other path, there is Kathleen who lived in Trinidad; she had been living there for 19 years. She loved being outside: playing in a beach, swimming, etc. Whereas, living in Perth up to 2002, Astrid considered as a cheerful woman loves sunshine. Despite all of these diversities, they are representing the human existence.

The Procedure of operating LCD
         Operating procedure of LCD is very easy. Due to its easiness, it is sure that everyone is able to operate it. An early thing you should do is just plug the LCD’s cable into the electricity. Turning on the LCD as soon as you have plugged the cable in is the further action. When you see the blue screen on the layer, it means that the LCD must have been on already; thus, you should synchronize it by connecting the VGA’s cable with your laptop. Furthermore, in order to transfer the laptop’s screen into the layer, you are supposed to press some certain combination buttons, in which there is difference between each laptop (based on the laptop brand). As appearing the laptop’s screen on the layer, the final action, which will be complementing all of your action, that you have to do is measuring how fit the laptop’s screen resolution is in order to obtain the best screen. In a short, you do not have any reason to say that you are not able to operate the LCD for it is very easy to be done.

Be Proud of Your Status: Private University Student
As a private university student, you do not have a reason to be down when you face another student from a state university. In the late 1990’s, almost all of the parents wanted their children to enter a state university because there was an  information which described that a state university was cheaper and also more prospective rather than a private university. But now, this issue has evolved, state and private university have been equal in almost all aspects, whether in terms of their learning managements, their curriculums or even their university autonomy; there are no significant differences. The differences just come from the physical and the expense. As the physically difference, a state university must be established by the government, while a private is built by the private institution. Moreover, in the terms of expense, a state university is cheaper than private ones. Furthermore, you can be proud of your private university because presently there are so many private universities which can balance state university, they can even surpass it. According to the Chairman of the Council for Muhammadiyah Central Leadership Higher Education, Dr. Anwar said the perception of the private university as a second choice has faded. He said that the public mindset would gradually shift if we could prove that the private was not always bad. He gave an example, in the United States, classy campuses are actually privately owned. The world's best universities, Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, are private universities. "Now the quality is sought, rather than public or private status", he said (Muhammadiyah University’s news, on Saturday, July 25th, 2011). Actually, there are two choices when you feel envy toward those who study in a state university. The first one is you just feel envy without doing anything, and the second one is you feel envy but you take advantages from it to force yourself in studying and also in the achievement in order to show that you can do better than your friends in a state university. The best way which you should take is the second one; it can bring a lot of advantages to you, such as in order to break the misperception, you will study hard day by day. You will not be satisfied before you are able to pass your friends, state university student. Additionally, because of your envy, you will always be motivated; thus, you will pass your friends in the state university, or even you can be the best. In short, signed in a state university is not a guarantee for success, and entering into a private university is not something that causes us to be a failure. You should be proud of your status as a private university student.
This paragraph is a kind of argumentative paragraph

Inclusive Education

                “Inclusive Education” is a one of the kinds of education which has aim to decrease or even lose hindrances of every student in learning process. In this case, hindrances are problem which included in gender, skill, social status, etc. Yet, as its substance, “Inclusive Education” is education that specially directed to children who have physical defect and should be educated together with others normal children to optimize their skills. Inclusion in education is an approach to educating students with special educational needs[1]. Under the inclusion model, students with special needs spend most or all of their time with non-disabled students. Implementation of these practices varies. Schools most frequently use them for selected students with mild to severe special needs. Based on how this education is taught, the in inclusive education is divided into two sub-types: regular inclusion or partial inclusion and also full inclusion. The regular or partial inclusion is a kind of inclusive education which provides treatment for physical-defected students in a regular class for all day, or at least a half of the day. In another hand, the full inclusion is a type of inclusive education that does not provide any treatment for physical-defected students; even though, they actually need it. Legally, our country has already applied the inclusive education since August, 11th 2004 in Bandung on the chance of preparing regular education for children who have physical defect according to the sixth sentence in sixth section regulation of Indonesia No.4 in 1997. This regulation tells about physical defect patients: “every physical defect patient has a same right for developing talent, ability, and his social life, especially for physical defect of children in society and family environment”. But in a fact, up to now the inclusive education has not been running as the expectation. There are so many problems faced during recently six years, such as lack of knowledge about inclusive education itself, the education’s institutes which are not ready to develop it, the curriculum having not been obvious yet. Moreover, the biggest problem is the bad perception of society about the physical defect children. In order to tackle these problems, there are two preferences that should be noticed. First, the socialization towards the society about this education should be accelerated; it considers that the society is the main subject having significant influence. Second, the curriculum of this education should be done completely. In short, this education, inclusive education, is the best way to tackle down the number of hindrances of every physical-defected student in learning process.
This paragraph is a kind of definition paragraph

Gandhi “The Light from East”

                “The Light from East”, what is your primary mind about these words? Do you think this is the real light? Of course no, this is not real light as you have thought before. This is title of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Sometimes he is known as “Mahatma Gandhi” (in a Sanskrit “Mahatma” means someone who is very glorious), a lot of people give that name due to his usefulness liberate the India from the colonialism of United Kingdom. Gandhi is one of the most important people in concerned of India’s independence. This person noted in the world’s history as the wish person from the east. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born in Porbandar, Gujarat, India in October, 2nd 1869. He born from the middle-low family, his father was England’s civil servant and his mother was just a housewife. He spent his childhood with studying in the India schools. Because of the tradition of India, he was married in 13th years old. When he was young, Gandhi moved from India to England for continuing his study about law. After he finished his study, he went to the South of Africa to be a lawyer. In there, he got a bad life, he was banished by society because of he was an Indian. He decided to be an activist of politics to change the situation. He wanted to protect Indian from the colonist so he made an organization called “nonviolence movement”. One day Gandhi went to the Pretoria by train. In a journey, he was asked by conductor to leave his seat in the first class though he had already paid. The conductor said the first class just for people who had a white skin. Then what will Gandhi do? Is he surrender and leave his seat? He is not. Even he refused and insisted to stay on his seat. Due to this refusing, the conductor decided to drop him in a small station. After this event, Gandhi is stronger than before to fight against injustice. He always typify that we can defeat the injustice without doing any violence. While he was in South Africa, he started to build his idea that called by “Ahimsa” or non-violence and teach a lot of Indian who lived there to apply “Ahimsa” as the tool in fighting against the injustice. He believed that the colonist will realize their fault and stop the injustice if he can refuse the collaboration. After long time, finally he could liberate the South Africa from the colonist. When he was back to his country, India was fighting for its freedom. He decided to help his country and try to fight the colonist with his “Ahimsa”, but it wasn’t success brought any freedom. So he started to think another way to get the freedom. Finally he declared another movement called “Satyagraha”. This movement had aim to uphold the truth. Finally in 1947, this movement was done widely and effectively. So India got its freedom but divided became two countries, India and Pakistan. In January, 30th 1948, Gandhi was killed by someone who was anger to him because he would rather protect Moslem than Hindu. He was killed while he was praying. A lot of people were sad when they heard that “Mahatma” died. Nehru, Prime Minister of India said that Gandhi is a biggest character in India after Gautama, The Buddha.
This paragraph is a kind of descriptive paragraph

Ardik Ardianto

[1]  Definition based on Wikipedia

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