Rabu, 20 Juni 2012

Amalia Agustin

Amalia Agustin / 201010100311105

Ø Final project

*      Descriptive paragraph
University of Muhammadiyah Malang
University of Muhammadiyah Malang is a university which I chose for brightening my future. This university is also known as Kampus Putih. It was built on 1964 in Malang, and stayed under Muhammadiyah organization. Now, it has three campuses in different places in Malang : campus I at Jl. Bandung which is used for post-graduate program, campus II at Jl. Bendungan Sutami which is concentrated in faculty of health science, and campus III at Jl. Raya Tlogomas as integrated campus which is used for the central of all activities for all departments. Each campus has their own design, but still in one vision “become the best university in developing the sciences and technology based on the Islamic values”. Buildings in these campuses are designed elegantly which have white as its dominant colors. In addition, university of muhammadiyah malang is one of the cleanest university in east java. Then, it has almost all of faculties for the study. It is about ten faculties: faculty of Islamic studies, faculty of social and politic science, faculty of teacher training and education, faculty of economics, faculty of law, faculty of psychology, faculty of engineering, faculty of agriculture and animal husbandry, faculty of medicine, and faculty of health science, where all of faculties have accredited. It also has post graduate program which is located in campus I. There are seven departments in that program: master of management, master of sociology, master of Islamic studies, master of agribusiness, master of law, master of education policy, and master of psychology. Talking about the students, there are more than 40.000 students that come from different places studying at this university. They are not only come from domestic areas, such as: Java, Borneo, Papua, Nusa Tenggara, Sulawesi, etc. but also come from foreign areas, such as: Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Australia, East Timor, Europe, etc., that have different background of families, cultures, religions and educations. So that, University of Muhammadiyah Malang is likes a new world that consist of many people around the world. In terms of academic level, UMM always develops its facilities and infrastructure for improving its education activity. On the same hand, UMM is also supported by many administers, engineers, and laborans who is expert in their own level. Moreover, the learning-teaching process and administration are supported by the adequate ICT facility and management information system. As a result, University of Muhammadiyah Malang becomes the real university which has a good quality for brightening the student’s future.

*      Argumentative paragraph
The Most Important language
English is one of compulsory subjects that we have to learn in school, not only in Indonesia but also around the world. It is learned from kindergarten until college in every department. So that, I personally think that English is the most important language in the world. Besides the statement above, there are so many reasons that make English important to master. Some of them are: it is an international language, Indonesian geographical condition, one of the compulsory subjects for seeking job, and there is much information that informed using English. First, English is an international language. I believe that all of people agree that English is an international language. When United States became a superpower after it won the second war, it accelerated an adoption process of English as a main language across the world. In addition, many people around the world prefer to use English as their communication language when they go to foreign countries. So that, all of people consider that English is an international language. Second, Indonesia is located between many countries that have English as their first or second language, such as: Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Filipina. This condition forces Indonesian people to master English in order to be able to communicate with other countries, especially its surrounding countries. Third, English is one of the compulsory subjects for seeking job. In this era, each company has their own requirement for its employees. They are not only looking for employees who are qualified and experienced, but also who are multi-talented and multi-tasking. Most importantly, they are looking for employees who can speak more than one language, especially English. So that, people who can master English language will get better position in working than they are who cannot speak English. The last, there are so many information that is informed using English. Nowadays, there are so many books, newspaper, and magazines which are published in English version. It is not only for trending, but also there are so many people who prefer to read a book which have English language than Indonesian language. In addition, many scientific books and journals are also published in English version. It forces students to master English so that they can understand it easily. Moreover, English will help us looking for information which is not found in Indonesian books. Thus, we can be intelligence people by English. In conclusion, we have to master English for facing the world because there are so many advantages that will we get by mastering it.
*      Process paragraph
A simple food
Food is the most important thing for keeping us alive. We have to consume it at least two times a day for our life survived. But, as a college student, we never arrange our time to eat. We eat every time we want. Then, mostly, we buy the food in everywhere we go without any realizing that most of them are not healthy. We only think that practical is better than we have to cook by our own selves with difficult. In this chance, I will show you that there is a food that does not difficult to cook, but still have enough nutrition for your body. It is a corn omelet special by me. I got this recipe from my mother. Now, I would like to show you how easy it is to cook it. You will need two sweet corns, one egg, and one table spoon of flour. Then, for the ingredients, you have to prepare cooking oil, two onions, one garlic, one scallion, one tea spoon of salt, a half tea spoon of sugar, and two large red chilies. If you have all of those, then you are ready for making a corn omelet. There are some steps to make it easy. The first step is for getting it ready: hold the corn cobs upright and cut the kernel, slicing each row from top to bottom. Next, dice onions, garlic, scallion, and red chilies. Then, for the egg, take it in a bowl and add salt. Beat the egg until well blended. Now, you are ready to make it: mix the ingredients (onions, garlic, scallion, and red chilies) that have been diced with the corn, add the floor as much as you want in order to make it more viscous and add the egg that has been blended. After that, you have to prepare the cooking oil as much as you can for frying the corn until it is submerged in frying pan, pour the egg-corn mixture and let cook it until it has golden color, then drain it with spatula. Finally, your special corn omelet is ready. You can make it as your side-dish or just make it as snack. As you can see, it is so easy and does not take much time to make a corn omelet, a simple food that still have enough nutrition for our bodies. So that, let’s try it in your boarding house and feel the deliciousness.

Ø  Individual assignments
Operating LCD
Operating procedure of LCD is very easy to following. Everyone can set up and use that equipment in the same way for all of the uses. First, we have to switch lower the projector screen; so that, it is flat to the wall. Second, turn on the button which is on the remote to on the projector. Third, plug the removable connector cable to the computer’s port then wait until the screen is blue. Finally, the projector will display what you see on the computer directly. Thus, the procedure above , which is very understandable, can be applied by everyone.
Unlucky Man
The man collected money in a wrong way, so that he got some bad replying in his life later. First, he fell to the backstage. When the man tried to persuade the audiences for collecting their money for him, he suddenly fell to the backstage so that he is brought to the hospital. Second, he got some bad services in the hospital. He could not take a rest well there. When he wanted to take a rest, there was sweeper who disturbed his rest by cleaning the floor. In addition, there was a doctor who gave him a medicine by injecting him with a big injection. He shouted loudly because of it. Thus, there were all of bad replying that he got from collecting money in the wrong way.
Different Hometowns, Different memories
Hometown is a place where we were born. Every people have their own hometown, and it gives different memories for them. First, there is Alison whose Belfast, Northern Ireland is her hometown. She lived there until 1994. Belfast has given special memories for her. It has some famous places, for example clock tower that is called Albert Clock and historical titanic place. In addition, the people are so warm, friendly, and like to laugh a lot. Second, Jennie was born in Erie, U.S.A, but she only lived there for 17 years. The best thing that she cannot forget about her hometown is her friends. She has many great friends there. Third, there is Kathleen who was born in Trinidad, Carribean. She likes an outdoor condition there because she could go swimming, scuba diving, and snorkeling. At last, Astrid was born in Perth, Australia. She lived there until 2002. Perth is the best place for her because it has a good sunshine and many beaches. Although the place is too hot for sometimes, she still loves Perth so much. Thus, every hometown gives different memories for the owner.

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