Rabu, 20 Juni 2012



Topic                           : the man
Topic sentence            : the man with unprofessional worker
Controlling idea          : unprofessional worker
List                              : in this case, first, second, third, fourth, the last and the worst, so.
Controlling sentence   : so, from the movie we can see how unprofessional worker will make suffer other people.
Type of paragraph       : descriptive text
Title                             : man Vs nurse
The movie talked about the man and unprofessional worker. They did they job with improper way; in this case, they are being nurse on hospital. There are some of their actions which served the man who got accident with careless.  First, they drove ambulance with high speed without thinking about the condition of their patient. Second, when the nurse check his temperature with improper made him feel uncomfortable. Third, one of the nurse wash his face seems he wash window that should not conduct by nurse toward their patient. Fourth, the cleaning service without permission and see the condition of patient, she clean the floor and made him surprise. The last and the worse, when doctor accidently felt and false inject the patient that action show us if the Doctor less of awareness. So, from this movie we can see that how unprofessional work will made suffered someone else.


Hometown always gives special things that makes some people remember. There are some hometown with the caracteristic which are explained by some people, such as Alison, Jennifer, Kathleen and Astrid who live in different country. First, Alison who living in Belfast, she tells us that people in Belfast are very warm, friendly, and they like to go to a place where Titanic built, and there is also clock tower which people like to go there, people call it Albert clock. Second, Jennifer who lives in Erie, USA. She tells us how she get good  friends and also about the weather in Erie which are very warm on summer, hot on sunny, and cold on snow. Third, Kathleen from Trinidad, the Caribbean, there are a good place to spent the time by swimming on beach, diving, and snorkling, although the weather there is pretty hot. Fourth, Astrid from Perth, Austrilia, she loves to go back on Australia because there is a good place on the world, she likes sunshine on beach, beaches, and she likes the weather there. Differents homtown have different characteristics which make different impression for other people who live there.

My Room

            As a university student, I should live alone far from my parents; I should be independent girl. Since I study at university, I live on boardinghouse which is not really far away from my campus. I can go to campus by walking. Although my boardinghouse is not really good enough and sometimes is very mess, I get comfortable room whichis my green room. In my room I feel safety, comfort, calm, and I can show all my feeling there whether I am happy, sad, confuse or everything.My room is the greatest place. Its size is about 3x2 that is not really big;neither is it small for me, because I still can put my belongings there, such as: television, notebook, makeup, cupboard, and bed as well. There is big table beside the window in which I put my television and all my makeup.I often put my accessories, for example: bracelet and accessories for my veil in there. I put my table in front of my bed, so it makes me easier to watch television. I can watchit while laying my back on bed, and it makes me enjoyer. Besides that, there is big mirror which I put beside the table, so I did not need to go far when I want to use my makeup, because there is no space between table which I put my makeup beside the mirror. Thus, I can see my face clearly. Big mirror is also another reason why I like this room.Because of this big mirror, I can see myself clearly, and it makes me more confident before doing my activities. There is also cupboard beside my bed; although, it is not really tidy, it is still big enough to put all my dress and also other things inside, like bag and medicine. On other side of my room, there is small table in which I put my notebook there to help me doing all my works, the space from my bad is also not really far; thus, I just need wake up from my bed and I can catch it. Its color which is green makes my room more comfortable for me, because green is the calm color. By combining some pictures and accessories which have same color in the wall, my room looks more creative and not monotone. In brief, with all the things from my room, I feel comfort here with a lot of things to support me in facing everything in the outside.

This House Believes Re-think about plus Size Model

As we know that U.S is the center of model in the world, parameter of model depends on U.S itself, many people give their attention of model in there. There are some criteria to be good model, such us: slim, health, beautiful, tall, have good skin, and have good behavior also; in the other hand,recently there are some issue coming up about plus size model. Plus size model is model with unusual size, such us: big, obesity and tall. Those are the characteristics of plus size model. Some agencies on U.S use the plus size model to be their model. I disagree with that, because it will make harmful on the world based on these following reasons. First, it will change mind of people, because they will think that big or obesity is beautiful, and nothing wrong about that. It is wrong stigma, if they are obese it means that they are not healthy anymore and it will change the criteria of model itself which should have healthy body and slim as well. When plus size models become trendsetter on modeling, it will give bad figure toward the people.They will imitate same as what the models do, for example being obese itself. Why I say that so, because there are media, like magazine, television, internet, and ballyhoo which will show to the world. When there are model with big size and obesity on the center of modeling in the world (U.S), realize or not media are the easier way to campaign anything and it will also influence other people to be obese. Second, we should protect the society, because being obese will make them lazier.As we know that models should have good condition, spirit, healthy life, and good behavior; in contrast, plus size models have unhealthy lifestyle.They often consume unhealthy food, and also never do sport. What the plus size model do definitely vice versa with the inherent of model itself. Moreover, if we allow this action happen in this world, it will give the bad effects on healthy term, especially for the society which always wants to be same as their idol. In conclusion, by allowing the existence of these models,having the big size or obesity,it additionally means that we campaign to the society in order to be model we do not have to have healthy life or healthy body.We will give them bad figure which makes them ignore about their health, we have to avoid it by not allowing plus size models exist on the modeling.

Grammar Translation Method and Direct Method

The Grammar Translation Method is not new. It has had different names, but it has been used by language teacher for many years. At one time it was called the Classical Method since it was first used in the teaching of the classical language, Latin and Greek (Chastain 1988). Earlier in this century, this method was used for the purpose of helping students to read and appreciate the foreign language literature. Teacher has authority on the class because teacher will give directly correction if the students make incorrect answer. In this method also teacher give instruction by using native language, teacher do not using target language because she want to make student more understand about the meaning of some word or passage. Students also do not need speak on the target language, they can interaction with teacher and other student, and they can speak in the native language if they do not understand about some word. Teacher also more attractive than students, here students more passive and only do like what the teacher ask to them. What activities on the Grammar Translation Method different with activities on the Direct Method. Direct Method also does not new method. Most recently, it was revived as a method when the goal of instruction became learning how to use a foreign language to communicate. The Direct Method has one basic rule: no translation is allowed. In fact, the Direct Method receive its name from the fact that meaning is to be conveyed directly in the target language through the use of demonstration and visual aids, with no recourse to the students’ native language (Diller 1978). In this method teacher do not has full authority toward students activity, she give chance toward the students to find out the meaning of some word which they do not know. Teacher only help the students to guess the meaning by give some illustration of that word. Teacher and students also use target language in the class to communicate each other.  Teacher attractive to give illustration about some word, but students have more chance to guess what the meaning of that word. So teacher and students have some position to be active in the class. In conclusion, that are some definition about Grammar Translation Method and Direct Method which are have same aim that is help students easier to recognize and improve their target language, but this method also have differentiate which is about the role of students and role of teacher. You can choose whether method that want to apply on the class depend on you are needed on the class.

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