Rabu, 20 Juni 2012

Final Project

Name    : Putri Aisyah Ghozali
NIM       : 201010100311056
Class      : B

 Operating LCD

Operating procedure of LCD is very easy, We just need to connect the projector with electric by using power cable. Then, press the power button about 2 seconds and wait until the indicator is green. After that, turn on all the input devices (CPU, notebook, video player, etc) and press source (input) to select the input that will be displayed. Finally, the lcd can be used; therefore, everyone can use it because using the simple method.


            Bali is famous island in Indonesia. This island is many invited by foreign or domestic tourist. They often go to holiday in there because it has beautiful view and interesting culture. Many beautiful places which have beautiful nature and panorama in the island are beach, mountain, and lake. There are many kinds of beach. First, Kuta Beach, it is most famous in Bali because it is one of suitable place to look a sunset view. In addition, it has great wave; therefore, the beach is good enough to water sport especially surfing. Second, Sanur Beach, it is also famous like Kuta Beach because it is one of interest place to look a sunrise. Moreover, that beach is an alternative for tourists who want to avoid crowded situation. Third, Lovina Beach, it is famous with its natural beach and black sand. Then, many people can look a show from dolphin in the open sea. Besides that, Bali has beautiful mountain sight, such as Batur Mountain. In there, the tourists can feel the cool air because the high of mountain is 1.717 meter. Many people have ways to enjoy the panorama of mountain, for example trekking or hiking. When the people do it, they not only get beautiful view but also their body will become healthy. After hiking of mountain, they can enjoy the beauty of Batur Lake which is looked like crescent moon. Meanwhile, in the western part of the lake, they will find the hot spring which can cure skin disease. Furthermore, there are many interesting cultures. Firstly, traditional dress, it has many variations and unique characteristics. It can be seen from the clothes, how to wear, and ornament complement. In addition, it can be used to religious ceremony. Secondly, traditional Kecak dance, it has a significant role in tourism. Many tourists who come to see the show of dance it. In the fact, the dance has unique characteristic because the dance does not use instrument, but they use sound of mouth to produce the sound. Moreover, in this dance, the rhythm sounds which is spoken by the dancers enough to bring mystical aura to the audience. The last, traditional house, it is always filled with many ornate carve to as an expression of beauty, and the house still can be found in the area around Bali. Therefore, in the island of Bali is very full of visitors because it is very amazing.
Type of Paragraph: Descriptive


            Coffee is a beverage which has important effect in our body. There are some of the positive effects and some are not. Some of the positive effects are it can keep us awake and increase the concentration when we are working or studying. Therefore, if we drink coffee before working, we will get a good result of our job. Indeed, many people who want presentation in their company, they drink coffee fifteen minutes before it. As a result, they get a good enough presentation. In addition, the students believe that drink coffee before studying, it can help to increase their memory more sharp.So, all of the materials that is learned by student will be easy received. Moreover, it can also prevent the growth of cancer cell because the caffeine of coffee can prevent cancer growth gradually. Meanwhile, it can also reduce the risk of diabetes  and prevent heart attack, In addition, if we are an athlete, we can drink it to increase our energy. So, we will get more energy than the people who do not drink it. Furthermore, it can help to prevent the asthma attack. In a fact, it can stimulate the breath so that always smooth. Besides that, it helps us to control depression because the content of caffeine keeps us awake that can reduce feeling of depression. One important effect for the people who want to diet they should drink coffee gradually. Indeed, the coffee has fiber which helps the people to lose their weight. In other hand, that coffee has some negative effects, such as cause anxiety. Meanwhile, the heart will be felt to throb, if too much drink coffee because the caffeine can also influence system central nerve in the brain and increase blood pressure. Furthermore, it can disturb digestion, for example stomach-ache and fell queasy because the caffeine increases production of acid in the stomach. Also, the hindrance of urinate because the side effect of caffeine as diuretic. Therefore, the people will urinate very much and the most common of side effect drink coffee is that people cannot sleep anymore. Furthermore, that problem commonly called “insomnia”. In other effect, the caffeine in a large dose even it becomes a substance which deaden. The deaden doses for human is about ten grams or about 100 cup of coffee which frequently drink. For these reasons, the people should quite understand how to positive and negative effect in their body. So, they must know about the exact dose of coffee which they drink.
Type of Paragraph : Cause Effect

Global Warming

            Global Warming is a serious problem for human life in the world. However, it happens because the fault of themselves. There are many of their activities which cause a global warming that is greenhouse effect. Some examples of their activities are the activity which is related with the burning of fossil fuel (oil, gas, and coal), such as the use of electric power generation, AC, computer, and motor vehicle. Meanwhile, they also do the burning and deforestation, agriculture, and livestock. So, the activities will produce carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. Therefore, the greenhouse effect will increase. Actually, it is very needed by all of live thing in the earth because if it does not exist, this earth will become very cold. So, ice will cover the entire of the earth. On the other hand, the amount of gas has exceeded of normal number. It means the air becomes very hot which makes their activities will not comfortable. Furthermore, there are many problems which caused by global warming. The first, the change of extreme weather from cold becomes extremely hot. Therefore, in the north earth, the ice mountain will melt and mainland will narrow. So, the residence of human will become narrow. Meanwhile, the water will evaporate more quickly from the soil. In the result, some areas will be drier than the previous. In addition, the wind will be blow faster and the storm will become more frequent. The second, the high of sea water will increase. Thus, it will influence many people life in the beach area due to they must move from beach area to another area that is enough save for them. So, they will look for the other job in new area because most of people become a sailor in there. The last, the health of human will be disturbed because many people get disease which is caused by hot air / tropical.However, global warming can be reduced by some of the easy way. Firstly, all of people must save in the use of electricity. Some of the ways we can do, such as turn of light and electricity when is not used, and do not often open the door of the refrigerator too long. Secondly, everyone has to reduce the burning, for example burning of garbage and forest. Thirdly, everybody should do reforestation. One of the easy ways is to plant shade trees around the house. Therefore, we must start from ourselves to reduce the result of global warming. So, the problem which is caused by it will be solved.
Type of Paragraph : Argumentative

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