Rabu, 20 Juni 2012

Nisrin Adelyna D (201010100311038)

Learning English       I like to learn English because it has many benefits. First, we can be an international person by communicating with any people in another country. Therefore, it can let us gain more and more knowledge in studying English to become an international person. Second, most people are using this language on their daily life. It is an important language, since we use this language to communicate with other country's people in every international event. The last, we get a job easier than the others. We know that nowadays, English becomes the main criteria of the company for their employee. So, we must prepare ourselves by mastering English for our future. In conclusion, learning English gives us three majors’ benefits, which are becoming an international people, communicating with the people in this world, and getting a job easier for our future.

Operating LCD

              Operating LCD projector is very easy. The very beginning to operate LCD is we have to make sure that both LCD and the laptop are turning off. The next step is we have to connect the LCD's cable to the electricity. After that, we have to connect the VGA cable to the VGA port of the laptop. Then, we can turn on the laptop and the LCD's monitor and wait until the screen shows the picture. That is the very short and safety way to operate the LCD.

PC Tablet

As we know, Pc tablet is a very useful thing. Recently, people use it to make everything is easier. Moreover, it has a lot of function, such as to make a note, to communicate, and to replace the use of laptop itself.
At first, we can use this thing to make a note. In PC tablet, there is an application that serves to make a note. Here, we can write everything what we want and save it into the folder. So, we do not need the conventional stuffs, such as pencil, pen, and book note.
Another function is we can use PC tablet to communicate each other. By using PC tablet, we can make a call just like a mobile phone, sending message or e-mail, chatting and so on. We do not need to bring a lot of things if we are in a vacation because PC tablet has facilitated it.
Still another important function, PC tablet can replace the use of laptop. It has the same application as in laptop, for instance e-book, internet connection for browsing and many else. In addition, if we use it, we do not need to bring laptop which is heavier than PC tablet.
          To assume up, PC tablet is multifunctional. Furthermore, it also has many applications that designing to make our job easier.

            Hometown has different interesting thing based on person who came from there. The first is Northern Ireland, Belfast. According to Alson who was born and lived there for eighteen years, said that the people are warm, friendly, and like having joke a lot. Furthermore, in Belfast there are some nice places to visit such as, the place where Titanic was built and also the famous clock. The second is Erie in USA. According to Jennifer’s statemen, Erie has two seasons which are summer and winter; moreover, in summer usually the weather will be warm, but it will be cold in the winter. The next place is Caribbean, Trinidad. It has some tourism places for swimming, snorkeling, and scuba diving there. According to Kathleen who lived there from child up to teen, the weather is pretty hot in the Caribbean. The last place is Perth in Australia. According to Astrid’s statement who spent all her life until 2002 there. She said that Perth had a beautiful sunshine and beaches. Moreover, the weather is hot at night. From the explanation above, each place has different interesting thing.

Final Project

1. Argumentative

The Dreamed President

Talking about the dreamed president, of course every person has some different ideas. As in terminology meaning, president is a title head by many leaders of organizations, companies, trade among universities and countries. While as in etymology, president is one of who presides and who sits in leadership. Based on UUD 1945 in Indonesia, president is explained as a person who has responsibility to walk on the duties of a country. From the definition above, we can take some important words that a president is a person who will lead and have responsibility to the country. To take a charge of those things, this person needs to be good in many aspects, such as good and wide knowledge, a good honesty and authority, and be fair. Related to the title, the president should have a good and wide knowledge. Furthermore, these skills are needed to lead and make a decision in a country. If a president does not have it, the government will not run effectively and there will be a lot of bad decisions that tend to the destructive thing. The next aspect is a good honesty and authority. If the president has a good honesty, the problem like corruption and bribery will be ended and extirpated easily and fast, while the authority is needed in order to have a good performance and appreciation from his employees in leading the country. Still another aspect is a president should be fair. This is a very important thing that a president must have. Because leading a country means, lead a lot of people as his citizens, and of course there will be a lot of influences that come from a certain group. If a president tends to have an unfair decision and tends to give advantage for a certain group, automatically the country does not belong to all citizens but several group of people. And if we let it happen, a country will be in total confusion. Considering the heavy burden of president, to be a president is not as easy as we thought. There are many things should think and analyze correctly to get the best solution. Anyone who wants to be a president must be able and ready to face any kind of problem. In brief, to be a president is not an easy thing, people may have different opinion about president, the most important thing is people want the best as their leader.

2. Contrast

The Importance of Education
Many people know and realize the important of education for their life; however, there are also some people who do not understand it. The people who understand well the importance of it, they will do anything to reach the education they want. Furthermore, they do not care of how far the distance, how expensive the payment or how hard the struggle. These people think that education is everything to walk on this life, because by having education they can change their future, get a job easier and people will respect them. It is absolutely right if education is very necessary for this life, because from it we get a knowledge that is used in any aspect of life. Then, we know what to do and how we should do. We can imagine if we live in this world without having any basic of education, this world will be in total confusion and we, as human being, will make damage in this world. As a human being, we always want to give the best things for this world, especially our life. In addition, we will never let the stupidity that causes damage dominate our life. In spite of people who understand well the importance of education, there are many also people who do not understand and some underestimate it. In this case, there are two classifications. The first classification is people who know and understand the importance of education, but they are living in a poor condition. They do not have any money and chance to get an education. They want to get it but do not want to try to reach it. The second classification belongs to people who have a lot of money, a lot of time, and a lot of chance, but fortunately they cannot make use of their time well, they prefer to do a useless thing and cannot maximize the chance that they have with a good thing. These problems happen because they are a less awareness of the importance of education, they do not thing what they will face in the future is decided now, and they do not want to be serious in their education. Therefore, in order not to regret someday, we have to supply ourselves with a good education and knowledge, prepare it starts now, be serious, never give up, and do not put off until tomorrow what we can do today.

3. Descriptive

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