Senin, 11 Juni 2012

FITRIYA ULFA (201010100311034)

Name : Fitriya Ulfa
 Student Number : 201010100311034

Group : 5

Topic : The Same Sex Marriage

Topic Sentence : Each Religion Has Different Rule for The Same Sex Marriage

Nowadays, the same sex marriage causes pro and contra opinions in our life because as a rule a marriage consists of different gender (not a man with a man, and things like that). It is important to be known that each religion has different rule for the same sex marriage. For examples Christian in Dutch is allowed it, but Catholic in Roma said that it is sinful, on the other hand it is permitted in Jewish, so what is the opinion of Islam? Amir Syarifuddin (one of MUI manager) stated that homosexual is sinful if it is not made legal by getting married, another one is homosexual and homosexuality are natural and created by God, thus permissible within Islam, that is according to Prof. Dr. Siti Musdah Mulia (one of the lecturer in UIN Jakarta). So many opinions for this problem, but whatever the idea is, homosexual and homosexuality are natural because of the difference psychological. So, it is not need to be avoided but try to think the solution to recover the strange psychological!

Operating LCD Fitriya Ulfa (26 April at 14:27)
Operating procedure of LCD is very easy. We do not need to use a special tutorial book of it. We just need to plug the LCD display into electrical outlet. That will power up the display. I think all of us can operate it by our self.

Fitriya Ulfa                            : 201010100311034
Anggraeni Nur Wijayanti     : 201010100311110
Muhammad Dasy Lamowa  : 201010100311040

Topic 1             :The Room
Topic 2             :Us
Topic Sentence : The room was very small, and none of us had enough room for our belongings.
Listing  :Furniture

            The room was very small, and none of us had enough room for our belongings. One can also say, the size of the room was 3x3 m. Furthermore, we could not even put a table, chair, and cupboard. In addition, electronic tools also could not be placed on there, like television, computer, and tape. Having been considered as a narrow room, the air was totally musty. In fact, the limited size of room made disable to get the fresh air and influenced us to be weary. It would disturb our health automatically. Therefore, the room needed to be enlarged in order to be able to put furniture and got the good atmosphere for our health.

Controlling Idea 1        : Very small
Controlling Idea 2        : Don’t have enough room for our belongings
Concluding Sentence  : Therefore, the room needed to be enlarged in order to be able to put  furniture and got the good atmosphere for our health.
Transitional Signals   : One can also say
                                    : Furthermore
                                      : In addition
                                      : In fact, Therefore
Type of Paragraph      : Cause and Effect

Group5  20 May at 19:10
Fitriya Ulfa                         : 201010100311034
Anggraeni Nur Wijayanti    : 201010100311110
Muhammad Dasy Lamowa : 201010100311040
Topic                             : The first invention 
Topic sentence               : The first invention of human beings was wheel .
Listing                  : Taking a long time, Mystery, Mesopotamia, Potter, Food transportation, Industrial revolution, Advantages
Transition signal        : In addition, More over, A different view is, Furthermore, As shown
Type of paragraph    : Definition
Controlling idea        : Wheel.
Concluding sentence : We have to deppreciate for the one who found wheels.

                The first invention of human beings was wheel. In addition. it took a long time to discover it. More over it is a mystery as to who invented the first wheel. A different view is Mesopotamia believed to has been invented it much earlier of summer is about 3500 B.C. Furthermore, the first wheels were used for potter's wheel, it was created for food transportation especially water. And then the invention of the wheel helped bring about the industrial revolution because wheel made steam engines. railroads, and factories were able to built.We have to appreciate for the one who found wheels.

1 June at 20:08 (Putri Lolita Task)
Name      : Fitriya Ulfa
Number  : 201010100311034
Theme    : Life Style
Topic      : Hollywood Life Style
Title       : Free Sex
Concept : Free sex is an irresponsible and unhealthy action
Controlling Idea : Irresponsible behavior
                            : Unhealthy action

We know nothing about the other one’s feeling. Similar to this case, we have no warranties for sure that the man will do it responsibly. It is not impossible if he will leave and ignore about the girl’s condition after doing that kind of act.
We have to pay attention and more consider that mostly the reason of HIV/AIDS’s emergence is caused by doing free sex (changing the partner to do it many times). Consequently, the virus will spread to another body when they are making love.
There are so many bad impacts of doing free sex that has become a life style for western people’s life. Two of them have explained above, they are a negative effect for the girl because she does not guarantee that the man will responsible or even let the girl suffers, then the last is about overspreading the scary and deadly virus such as HIV/AIDS. Summing up, free sex just will give us disaster and sufferings.

Writing 2 FinalProject (B)
FitriyaUlfa, 201010100311034
Going to be a University Student
Some of you must undergo two things in preparing for enrolling to a university. This can be seen, when you think about determining your life direction. The first, thinking to change the mind set for facing a new life after passing from the previous school. In addition, you will feel something different when you realize that you are not a secondary school student anymore. It will direct you to think as more mature person than before. For examples, thinking about which one the better, and comparing the proper one, or choosing the more valuable, and even deciding the best thing according to your own opinion and not your parent’s choice again like usual. One can also say, you will learn to be a wise and responsible one for anything you will choose and do. As you know that your parents always become your director for choosing something in your daily life dominantly, but in this time the authorities for deciding what will you do and choose is yours, and the parents have understood about it. The second, joining the private or short course, especially for English, Indonesian, mathematic, computer, and something like that in an institution such as Ambex Course Centre, Primagama, Cherrycorner, Ganesha, Karunia Education Centre, English First, etc. for some months to face the enrolling university test like SNMPTN (SeleksiNasionalMasukPerguruanTinggiNegeri) if it is a state, and mandiri test if it is a private university. Moreover, you will spend your time and money to join that kind of short course with a quite expensive price, it is about Rp.1000.000,- to 3000.000,- each month. By comparison, it will make you quite busy like going to face a final examination or UAN (UjianAkhirNasional). And then, you have to consider about the quality of the institution itself. You have to know that a higher price will determine a better grade. It means that you will get a good service, like a good quality tutor or instructor (clever, and being quite understand for the student’s skill and ability to overcome their problems in each subject that they take in the course). So that, what you obtained in that study will make you more confident to answer so many kinds of question in the test. As a result, thinking to change your mind set and joining a short course will become an inception for facing your new life.(Cause and Effect)
                It is time to look for which kind of university and program of study that you will register to. It will give you some big questions. For instances, what the university name is, where the location is, and the most dominant question is in choosing what kind of university is, whether it is a state/public or private. So, actually what are the differences? Firstly, public universities have their financial needs met by state funds, this allows students to benefit from savings, such as breaks on tuition costs. This is mainly the case for students that are attending a school in their own state of residence. Those enrolling in a public college out of state typically are not eligible for tuition cost breaks. Students planning on attending a private college or university will not be able to enjoy this kind of financial break. Secondly, private universities are notoriously known for being much more expensive to attend, compared to public schools. However, private educational institutions are also known for having less “red tape” than public colleges. Next, public universities tend to have much larger numbers of graduates each year because of the size of their overall student body, while private schools maintain a smaller student body, which means a smaller graduating class. Fourthly, because of the smaller student bodies private colleges and universities have, this usually means more hands-on instruction for each of its students and more intimate class sizes, compared to public institutions, which regularly offer stadium seating for its more popular courses. The last, it is typically easier to get accepted into public colleges and universities than private educational institutions. Similarly, choosing what kind of a course that you will apply to is not easy. In addition, the national department of education in this country does not determine a majority of a particular study earlier. It has to be in a high school to get that kind of system. It makes students get confused to decide the course. Almost all of them do not know for sure what kind of proper course for their ability. Furthermore, many of them decide to quit of their course because feel that they have made mistake in deciding the course. To summarize, deciding a kind of university and a match program of your study is so important for you to avoid a regret and disturbing your learning process when you were a university student.(Definition)
Almost all of something new will come to you. It must be proud when you leave out your secondary school uniform and begin to think about college. It was so different when you would enter to high school in the past, when the necessaries had prepared by your parents. In contrast, when you will be a university student, it must be prepared by yourself. For instances, about your stationaries, boarding house, and your college clothes. This can be seen,so many new things that will you feel. In this case, meeting new friend, whether it is in your boarding house, or in campus, whether it is a boy or girl friend. It can be begun by smiling each other, will be continued by sharing number phone, then undergoing approach by often meeting, after that being friendship or even more than just it. Secondly, forgetting your old friends, your bad school friends, or even neighbors in your hometown. It can be that you want to forget something or someone in the past. Furthermore, may be you will delete their numbers, or even you will change your number to avoid them texting and calling you. Thirdly, collecting the small things but they will be useful enough for you, such as; nails, hangers for clothes, bucket, and water dipper are simple but important things for you who will live in the boardinghouse. You will use to make a note for them that you need. Prepare everything that will be necessary for you before you leave out house and live in boardinghouse! So that you will not get trouble about those kind of tools and you can more focus for knowing and making approach to your boardinghouse friends than look for those kinds of necessity. The last, thinking how the way a university student thinks and using a new style (performance) how the way undergraduate student performs. You will think independently, as long as you agree, and mostly if that is okay for society. One can also say, almost all of university students consider, analyze, and think of anything critically. Moreover, that is not a new thing if they become trouble makers for everything that they disagree. Similarly, the style is decided by their selves. They become their own selves and do not care about whatever another people say about it. In brief, you will change your life automatically whatever you wish to be. (Expository)

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