Senin, 18 Juni 2012


 Hendriyani (201010100311091)

1.       Definition Paragraph

Kinds of Traveling
Traveling can we do in many ways. Some people are assumed that traveling must need much money. Actually, it is not totally right, because traveling can be divided in many ways such as backpacking, flash packing and luxurious-traveling. Nowadays, all people can spend their off time by traveling. Firstly, backpacking is traveling by way of saving travel costs were deemed unnecessary without compromising the essence of the traveling itself. Backpacker is an identity of independent traveler who traveling uses big backpack. Traveling in backpacker style is using a bag on their back, not the luggage, because it makes the traveler is easier to move. Traveling in backpacker style means you must be willing to exchange the luxury of staying at hotel with trying to stay in hostel. Actually, essences of traveling for backpacker are to know about social life of their destination. Backpacker will more walk while they are exploring the destination. They use hostel only for save their stuff and place to take rest. Traveling in backpacker style backpackers will get more experience by exploring the local life in their destination. Secondly, flash-packer is traveling in economical way but for certain reason still prioritizing the comfort. We can assume it has higher one step on the backpacker. Flash-packer is a new term in traveling sphere which just exists in few years.  Flash-packer is a backpacker who always bring many gadgets such as handphone, laptop, camera, MP3 player and many else when they travel. Flash-packer is a backpacker who has more budgets in traveling. Actually we can call flash-packer as traveling enthusiast who positions themselves between backpacker and tourist. The flash-packer is more moderate than backpacker in controlling budget, because flash-packer prefers to focus on travel destination or experience that they will get. On the other hand, they still have same fundamental which is exploring the destination well. Main characteristic which makes flash-packer bear word “flash” is principle to select what they want when traveling, without trapped in rules, prestige, status, tenet, appearance or group identity. Profile of flash-packer is described as independent traveler who has permanency with higher income. Thirdly, luxurious-traveling is traveling in luxury way which is prioritizing comfort and facilities. This style is dominated by rich people. Luxurious-traveler cannot travel with poor service, they sleep in stars hotel, eat in fine dining restaurant and use extraordinary accommodation. Moreover, they do traveling is not only for enjoy the tourism, but also they hunt for expensive items. This traveling style has smaller risk than backpacking and flash-packing. Unfortunately, weaknesses of this style are many of travelers cannot understand social life in their destination and they do not get many social experiences from their traveling. So, we can choose which is style that comfort with our budget to plan our traveling. 

2.       Argumentative Paragraph

Corruption Must Over
Corruptor should be given worst punishment such as death penalty or life imprisonment. It can make a deterrent effect to corruptor, so the level of corruption can be reduced in this country. So far the laws in Indonesia always “spoil” the corruptors. For example, Tommy Soeharto, who was involved in the corruption case in Bulog and PT Goro Batara Sakti and murder case on M. Syafiuddin Kartasasmita, undergone only one-third of his sentence. Moreover, his lockup was equipped with twenty-one inch television, soft foam mattress, bathroom and toilet, desk, chair, blue carpet covered the floor. Furthermore, in that prison Tommy had two boats and two cars. In addition, Arthalita Suryani was involved in BLBI (Bantuan Liquid Bank Indonesia) who was bribe a prosecutor, Urip, got punishment only for seven years and paid a fine two hundred fifty million rupiah. Her lockup was very different with the other room. She changed her lockup to be luxurious private room. In her room we could find many luxurious things such as air conditioner, refrigerator, spring bed, television, karaoke room and many else. It makes corruption develop rapidly in this country. It makes people do not afraid anymore to go to jail because of corruption because they know they still can breathe clearly while in jail. This country must learn more from China in handling corruption. Since 2000, China began to take action against officials who are involved in corruption. Many corruptions were condemned to life imprisonment, even death penalty. According to estimates by Amnesty International in 2005, about one thousand seven hundred and seventy people were executed in China, and three thousand nine hundred people were sentenced to death. Of note in 2008, according to the information about one thousand seven hundred people who were found guilty in corruption case and they were sentenced to death. These phenomena make China’s people afraid of being corruptor. It was proved corruption in that country was decrease extremely. That country can become a reference in terms of combating corruption in this country. Corruption have adverse this country. Money that should be used for health, education and welfare for poor people was enjoyed by wealthy people who held the rank. They have no responsibility and conscience anymore. Implicitly corruptors are killing and considering a fool poor people. State losses due to corruption as high as forty percent of state funds per year and occurs continuously without unstoppable. If forty percent of state funds per year that is missing are not happened, then perhaps there will be free education, free health care, low-cost electricity, good public transportation and certainly will be more prosperous society. However, it will not be happened if corruption is still glorious in this country. So, if we want to Indonesian people are prosperous and have better live, corruptor should be given life imprisonment or death penalty.

3.       Cause and Effect Paragraph

Indonesia’s Treasure
Indonesia as an archipelagos country; consequently, it has many kinds of cultural property. Indonesia is formed of several islands. Every island has different culture. Position of geographic every island is different. So it makes weather, climate, flora and fauna are different in every island. It influences habit and mindset of people. A new culture and new civilization will be formed if people be able to be independent people so they can suffice their necessity; consequently, they can create their own language and their own culture. It is possible if their terrain is fertile and enough food so it can support its people. They are not too depending on the other people from the other place, so they do not need go to out of their own place. It makes they are not influenced by other culture. Can you imagine how many islands in this country? So, how many cultures which Indonesia has? It is difficult to imagine how many cultures that we can find in this country. First is language. An island in Indonesia may have two, three or more traditional language for example Kalimantan. In this island we can find four traditional languages such as Banjar, Dayak, Melayu and Mandarin language. Banjar language is used in province of south Kalimantan which is dominated by Banjar tribe. Moreover, Dayak language which is used by Dayak tribe, spread across almost the whole of Kalimantan. Mandarin and Melayu language are used by people who live west Kalimantan mostly. In the other island such as Jawa island has more than one traditional language for example Java language, Sunda language and many other languages which are spread across the whole Indonesia. Second is traditional cloth. Indonesia has many traditional cloths. Different island means have different cloth. In Jawa Island, people have Batik as a traditional cloth. Batik has many patterns. In the past, caste of person can we see from Batik pattern which she or he worn. Furthermore, Sumatra and Sulawesi has a beauty traditional cloth. It is called Songket. Songket is high valuable cloth, because process of making Songket is very complicated. In the other island such as Kalimantan has Sasirangan as traditional cloth.  The most unique traditional clothe come from Papua. In this island people use bark as material to covering their body. It is called Koteka. Third is traditional food. Mostly staple of Indonesian people is rice, but it is only for people who live in west and middle of Indonesia; it is not for east side of Indonesia. Staple of people who live in east side of Indonesia is yam and sago. The most famous staple in east side of Indonesia is Papeda. Papeda is made of flour of sago which is served with fish and vegetable. Not only staple which is different, but also many of delicious traditional cake and cuisine are different from one place to the other place. Accordingly, traditional language, cloth, and food only a few part of wealth of culture in Indonesia, there are traditional house, dancing, weapon and many else which are different in each island even each place in this country.

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