Jumat, 15 Juni 2012

My Assignment!!!!!!

Putri Lolita's assignment
TITLE : Tablet PC will be the center of  the new gadget
Thesis Statement : Tablet PC will be the center of the new gadget to help human life easily   for communication also getting information, and has the high level of technology.

With the progress of technology in our time, appeared to us a new amazing invention that possible make the life easy and do the business quickly in a short time and possible replace the other gadget in the present. It is the tablet PC. A tablet PC is a wireless, portable personal computer with a touch screen interface. People  can do more than what their do with their tablet. Tablet PC will be the center of the new gadget to help human life  for communication also getting information, and has the high level of technology. Without it, life would be slow and unproductive.
The First, Tablet PC designed to help human life more easily for getting information instead for communication. We can call someone, sending message or e-mail, or make video call only hold on your tablet. Not only that, many applications provide inside to help you for getting information and some data. Example like dictionary, GPRS, google map, and so on.
Second, tablet PC is the high level of technology. As we all know, the present of tablet is to replace the other gadget instead smartphone or laptop. You can imagine that tablet is more simple and the screen size comes to size can vary form 4″ to 10″. Furthermore, the interest one it has internet connection. You can use without cable, then WI-FI connection is must for you for using a web browser to acces websites in everywhere only face your Tablet.
Otherwise, tablet PC designed to help human life more easily. However, tablet PC appropriate for the communication environment and the high level of technology: simple, but professional. 


Types of Paragraph: Argumentative
 Sexuality Education in High Schools
During high school years our minds have the greatest development. At the high school age teenagers experiments different changes in their minds, bodies. A sometimes question comes up that at what age children should know about the sex. To the answer to that question is I believe at the age of 13-14 children and High School kids.
Firstly, the dangerous of sexuality in teenagers are appearing negatif effect by sociality or psychologist. Such as free sex becomes arbitrary. Nowdays, we know that free sex is the big disaster by our country. Every years numbers of teenagers that do sex under age has increase out. Either way, the lack of education on how to protect themselves. It should be the responsibility of our schools to protect them from these dangers because it is imperative that they are aware and make the right decisions.
Secondly, sex is so prevalent in our society today. High schools should strongly consider teaching a program to their students that encourages them to remain abstinent but also teaches them about ways they can protect themselves if they choose to become sexually active. Such as, learning the Comprehensive Sexuality Education, its brings up age appropriate sexuality topics and covers the broad spectrum of sex education, including safe sex, contraceptives, masturbation, body image, and more. If this is the sexual education program your teenager is in, you will need to be prepared to teach your teenager about these topics. You will need to be prepared to be the person who fills them in on the information.
Thirdly, as parents we should support the High School and encourage them to teach our children about sex life. If parents were willing to educate their children at home then there would be no need for sex education. However, most of parents ignore sex topic and they would not prefer to discuss this topic in the family. Since the sex education does not exist at most of the homes, then there should be a need for sex education besides home, which is school also grow on the sexuality education.
Therefore, comprehensive sexuality education is must be apply in children or student, not only in high school, to make over their thinking of sexuality in truely. Personally, I believe that by giving students knowledge about sex in high school will help prevent teenage for free sex and even the spread of disease such as aids. The out come would be save lives.

Types of Paragraph: Definition
Indonesia in One Place
Have you ever heard that you if you want to around Indonesia especially for recreation only hold on the day. The answer is yes! The place is well-known over people in Indonesia, is Taman Mini Indonesia Indah or called TMII. It is represent you in knowing about Indonesia only go to the smaller place than you go exploring the Indonesia in the real. It’s so match if you do not have enough time to explore Indonesia.
The first, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) is an area of cultural tourism. Located on Jakarta, the center of Indonesia. Taman Mini Indonesia Indah as Beautiful Indonesia Miniature Park was built to be the showcase of Indonesia. You can see whatever you want about Indonesia, you will find many Indonesia natural & cultural richness such as unique replication of traditional houses (pavilion) from all around Indonesia.
Second, In TMII there are various parks, which shows the beauty of flora and fauna of Indonesia such as orchid garden, jasmine gardens, ponds, freshwater aquarium and bird parks. Also there are some museum which is devoted to the history of sport, culture and technology such as the Museum of Indonesia, Museum Pusaka, Museum of Transportation, and The Center for Science and Technology / Pusat Peragaan IPTEK. In Indonesia, almost every tribe has a shape and building in different color, not even one tribe rarely have more than one type of traditional buildings. Building or traditional architecture, which they always followed by environmental and cultural owned. In TMII, illustration, are realized through the Regional Platform, which represents tribes in the nation’s 26 provinces of Indonesia.
In essence, there are some information about TMII that you can find at this site, or you can go directly into the official website of Taman Mini Indonesia Indah.

Types of paragraph: Comparison
Shopaholic for women and men
For women shopping can be a pleasant and fun experience, especially when we see a sale on an item that we have been wanting to buy. I think it is a little different for men because some men find it boring and they hate to walk through a crowed mall. Females are very indecisive when it comes to shopping because we can't make up our minds about what we want to get. Males know what they want and pick only that item up. Ladies can take hours getting one item, while men can get five items in 20 minutes or less. Women spend a lot more money than men shopping because we want everything we see. Men and women are so different when shopping is concerned.
   First of all, women are indecisive while shopping and men aren't. A women can go into a store with every intention on getting one item. But she sees all the cute things lying around the store saying "buy me." For that reason, she feels compelled to buy other items within the store. That is why a woman can be very indecisive. When a man says that he is going to get one thing from the store it's a guarantee that he will come home with that one item because things don't scream out at him, "buy me".
   Secondly, a female can take a lot longer time to shop than a male does. For some reason a lady has to look at everything she finds appealing to the eye. A man just doesn't seem to notice things as a woman does. Or maybe it is because a man just doesn't care. In any case, when a male says he will be back in 20 minutes from shopping, he will be back in 20 minutes or less.
   Thirdly, a female normally spends more money than a male does. Most females want everything to be name brand regardless of the cost of the item. A male doesn't care too much if it has Dollar General Logo on it or not. All he cares about is whether or not it does the job. On the other hand, one thing I have noticed about a man is his tools. He will spend a lot of money on name brand tools.
  In brief, women and men are different in a lot of ways. One difference is for sure and that is shopping. Most women like to take their time and look for great buys and cute things. But most men could care less about that stuff. They just get what they want and the heck with everything else. They do not feel the need to try on their clothes as women do. Most men also seem to be a little more thriftier with their money than women.

Topic : the actors
Topic sentence : The actors on the movie act foolish
Controlling Idea : foolish
Listing :
1. the all scenes told about foolish events
2. they act like that cbecause they never care and less carefully
Types of paragraph : Descriptive
Concluding sentence : The last, the movie  totally implied the most important way to be careful in every step.
Transition signal : moreover, so that, the last

Stay Foolish

The actors on the movie act foolish. All scenes review on foolish events like the man was patient which is being distrub by the driver's ambulance, the nurse, the doctor, and also the service. Moreover, they act like that because they never care and underestimate the condition. So that, it become to the funny situation and strange acting. The last, the movie totally implied the most imporatant way to be careful in every step.

Topic : the lovely hometown
Controlling Idea : hometown
Topic sentence : The unforgettable hometown around the world according some people.
Listing :Belfast, Erie, Trinidad, and Perth
Transition signal : moreover, summaring up

The unforgetable hometown around the world according some people. The first came from belfast, Northern Island. According to Alison which lived 18 years in there from 1894, she said that people in there so friendly, warm, and also love joke. Not only that, there was a famous clock tower hich called Albert clock and the legend ship, Titanic was built there. second, from USA, Erie. Jennifer said in there she have a lot of friends. she lived there 17 years.the weather sometimes warm, sunny, include snow. The third, , in Trinidad,the Carribean Island. Kathleen thought the town have pretty hot weather. She spent her life for the child until teen age. In there also have a beautiful beaches, so that you can swim, diving, or snorkling. The last came from australia-Perth. On Astrid thaught's, she love the sun shine and the beaches there. she spent all her life until 2002. Moreover, she hated the weather at the night caused is too hot. Summaring up, the hometowns around the world totally interest from every person.

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