Rabu, 20 Juni 2012

akbar's assignment

Essay and paragraph has similarity way in structure idea. When we want to make a good structure of essay and paragraph, the writer should write the introduction first. The second structure which is noticed of the writer is about the content or the body. Some writers still have problems to make a good content of it, because they are confused interpretation the idea to the writing. The last structure is about conclusion or closing paragraph. The essay also has concluding paragraph, which brings it is deal to logically and psychologically satisfying completion; moreover, paragraph is also offers almost the same structure.   
One of negative effect of internet is online game. Some students waste the time sitting in front of computer or laptop play the online game. It is makes the user being addicted; therefore, looking for another activities that makes your happy. Not only adult like play online game but also the children. When we go to an internet cafĂ©, we can find the children who are playing online game. Consequently, we can lose the next generation. So, do not try to play online game at home. 


Operating procedure of LCD is very easy. There are three steps that make operating procedure of LCD is very easy.  Firstly, the user plugs the cable in from the LCD to the electricity in order to begin using the LCD. Secondly, the user also plugs the cable in from LCD to the computer or laptop. At that time, the screen is till blue. Finally, the final step of operating procedure LCD is pressing one of the buttons on keyboard which connects the LCD to the laptop. These are steps how to operate the LCD easily.

Name : Akbar Scout

NIM : 201010100311054

Group : 3

Topic : The Miracle of Mecca

Topic Sentence : Mecca is the holy city of moslem in the world 

Mecca is the holy city of moslem in the world . It is the first place growth of Islam religion. Before Islam growth in Mecca mostly people liked alcohol beverage, worship the stone or doing something bad. At that time, the situation in Mecca became disordered, so Muhammad SAW was born to recondition the citizens of Mecca. The last principle in Islam is obligate to perform pilgrimage when they have abilities (physical and spiritual), so they must go to Mecca. In 1999, “Masjidil Haram” was spied satellite owned by Space Imaging inc.AS, this picture seen only Masjidil Haram was shining, meanwhile others building seen dark. So that, Mecca is the direction to face for daily Islamic prayers.
Name : Akbar Scout

NIM : 201010100311054

Group : 3

Topic : The Miracle of Mecca

Topic Sentence : Mecca is the holy city of moslem in the world

Mecca is the holy city of moslem in the world . It is the first place growth of Islam religion, before Islam growth in Mecca mostly people liked alcohol beverage, worship the stone or doing something bad. At that time, the situation in Mecca became disordered, so Muhammad SAW was born to recondition the citizens of Mecca. The last principle in Islam is obligate to perform pilgrimage when they have abilities (physical and spiritual), so they must go to Mecca. In 1999, “Masjidil Haram” was spied satellite owned by Space Imaging inc.AS, this picture seen only Masjidil Haram was shining, meanwhile others building seen dark. So that, Mecca is the direction to face for daily Islamic prayers.
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Final project

Wander to looking for wisdom

The story about four friends who arrived is to Java Island. When they were the third class of senior high school, they did not though what they wanted to do after finished the school. They were still felt happy this class because of their classmate used to together. One day, when they run away together from the boarding school. Therefore, nobody can go out from boarding school without permitting to a guard of the school. It is the rule of boarding school we cannot disobey it. They were bored in the class, so that they went out to get fresh air. On the small hill we were seated together like people who want to praying. One of them talked about the National examination and he said that “ Soon, we will finish this school so, we will separate each other” the man replied who seated on the corner “ we will continue studying together in java island”. Both of them replied “yeah, we will reach our idea in java”. Some month later, they have finished in boarding school. The next, one of them could not go with them because his parents not allowed him to go out other island. At the time, they were felt sad because one of the best friends did not company with them. It so hard situation; therefore, they were must go to continue study in java island what they were said some month ago. The day to come, the four men prepare their self to go to airport. The tradition of them hometown when someone wander in other island, they must apologize with their family before they go. At 1 P.M, after they have been journey for three hours, finally, they were arrived in airport. They were seemed spirit enter the airport with suitcase very heavy. One hour later, they flied and made them tense because this was the first time their flied with airplane. When their arrived in Juanda airport, they did not belief and imagination that they can arrive in java island. “It is amazing island” said one of them. Not so long they were surprise, they took rent car to deliver to go to Malang.  They did not pass every view started from Surabaya until Malang. They were really enjoyed their journey; therefore, they felt so tired about 12 hours their journey. Finally, they arrived in front of the big mosque that ever seen namely, A.R fachruddin. At 20 may 2010, they arrived in Malang and it was time to undergone activities with different culture and situation.

“Advantages of reading a book”
I think every person agree that book have advantages to undergo our life, Because we  need knowledge what we want to do. There is something that the authors become suffering, One of famous bookstores in Indonesia will close the bookstore because of people rarely to buy it. Of course, some Indonesian are lazy to read the book. They did not know how is advantage of reading it. Reading a book can increase our knowledge, comprehend plot of the book, and develop critical thinking. The first advantage is increase our knowledge, one of ways to increase our academic knowledge is read some books that related with your project. And you can more understand your subject. Not only that, reading a book besides your academic book like:history,economy,and biografy of influential person. My brother said that “the people who are not have knowledge like person die who walks on the world. Studyying something  is not only read the book, but we can notice in our surrounding. Although, Read the book is the best way to improve our knowledge,because the book can travel or company in bad weather. Reading some books it can be comprehended plot of the book. The people who always read some books can understand what is the purpose of the book. The purpose of book is influence to the reader. If we can know the purpose of a book, you can not be strayed by author.we are students in this university, and some year later, we will graduate in this university. Therefore, we must to study how is  make thesis. In addition advantage of reading a book is developing critical thinking. When you read the book,perhaps you always asking your self, why the author makes the book?. The author make a book different with each others authors. Of course, you can compare one a book with others book. May be, a book have same theme but, one author expain with different style. The more you read the book the more you can give conclusion. Although reading the book has some advantages, but some students are lazy to read the book. Reading culture look likes so  difficult to apply. Reading can only be fun if   you expect it to be.

Amin Rais Being Admired Person in Indonesia
One of people who is admired in Indonesia is Amin Rais. Every people in Indonesia know about him, because he is the great man that is owned by Indonesia. There are a lot of things who have been created by him to develop our country. There are some characteristics or the stories about his life.  Firstly, about his birth, he is born in Solo, center of java 26 April 1944. He undergone his childhood in environment Muhammadiyah. Mr. Amin Rais had finished elementary school until senior high school of Muhammadiyah in Solo. In 1962, he continued studying in UGM Yogyakarta after that he continued in Dome Notre University (1974). After he finished all education, then he back to Indonesia. Because he was smart, he became lecture in UGM. Secondly, about his career in Indonesia. He was being famous in any career especially politics career. However, we never forgot the big happen in in Indonesia in 1998, when the dictator person failed from his power namely, Suharto. He had being powerful for 32 years. One of the activator to reduce the Suharto’s power was Amin rais. The next the politics career after he reduced the Suharto’s power. Finally after were directly involved in the reform process, Amien formed National Mandate Party (PAN) in 1998 with an open nationalist platform. When the 1999 election results do not satisfy the PAN, Amien was still able to play pretty successfully became chairman of the Assembly. His position was made ​​so large Amien role in Indonesia's political journey today. Amien nevertheless advanced the presidential election. In 2004, he ran for president and won almost 15% of the national vote. Besides his politics career, he also contribute in declaration of the ICMI organization and become the chief of it.  The purpose of ICMI organization is to give a place to all the intellectual moslem in Indonesia. Then, he always give critical to government by the famous book “Indonesia in the center of globalization” he explain that, the president SBY give opportunity to corporate invest in Indonesia. the book also describe how the firm from outside develop in Indonesia.  By all his story life and careers, we can take conclusion that Amin Rais is admired person in Indonesia.
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