Kamis, 21 Juni 2012

Elliesa Dwi Hapsari / 201010100311094

* Final Project *

- Descriptive Paragraf -

The Unique of Bees
Bees have a unique characteristic compared with animals or other insects like. As we know, bees are insects that live in groups and residence in a nest. In one colony, usually led by a queen bee, which it will be followed by the colony. Bees are tiny insects that are not really capable of thinking. However, they were able to finish a big job that was previously unimaginable. Each job requires special calculations and planning. It's amazing that such intelligence and expertise that exists on each bee. Because of this intelligence, bee can make a very unique hive. The method used to build it was pretty amazing. In each hive there are thousands of hexagonal-shaped bags made for storing honey. Besides, the slope of the honeycomb is made with thirteen degrees in order that the honey does not spill in any condition. This serves as a setting nest humidity and ventilation as well as the health system. While working, honey bees clinging to each other and form a circle clustered. By doing this, they are generating a temperature required for the production of wax. Small sacs in their abdomen to produce a transparent liquid, which flows out and harden thin layer of wax. Bees collect the wax with a small hook on his foot. They put this wax into his mouth, then chew and process it until the wax is soft enough, and shape it in a cell. A number of bees working together to maintain the required temperature of their workplace, So that the wax is still soft and malleable. In addition to candles, honey derived from nectar collected by bees is made up of several sugar compounds like glucose and fruk-tosa and a number of minerals such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium, chlorine, sulfur, iron and phosphate. Honey also contains vitamins B1, B2, C, B6 and B3 that its composition varies according to the quality of Nan-tar and pollen. Moreover, in a honey there is also a small amount of copper, iodine and zinc, as well as several types of hormones. U.S. scientists say that honey, royal jelly, pollen and propolis used to treat various diseases. Polish doctors also stated that the resin bees can help cure many diseases such as hemorrhoids, skin problems, gynecological diseases and various other diseases. Today, apicultural services and bee products have opened a new branch of research has pe-in ​​countries that have been advanced in the science of knowledge. Other benefits of honey is easily digested, low in calories, diffuses more rapidly through the blood, helps the formation of blood, killing the bacteria and produce royal jelly. Because of its uniqueness, makes bees into a very special animal.

- Argumentative Paragraph -

Why Choose Android As a Lifestyle?

Lately, many people talk about gadget that has android application. They are now vying to get a smart phone or tablet computers that provide this service. For information, actually the android operating system for mobile phones or Linux-based tablet computer. There are some things that be the reason why you should choose android. First, android can be used for free. For a developer, you can customized own applications to be used. For manufacturers of mobile phones, android is an interesting choice considering the price is free so as to cut production costs of the phones they release. Consumers can also choose the applications according to their individual needs. Just searching live applications in the android market and then installed on the phone. If it does not fit your needs, just uninstall and look for other applications in the android market. Second, all android phones could be multitasking. This means that the user can instruct the phone to order several jobs at once. For example, when you download an application, you can use other applications such as listening music, login to twitter and other work. Third, it is always up-to-date to make changes. Each there is a bug newly discovered, the developer will provide a patch to fix it. Fourth, Google as a provider of android apps look so serious in developing the ecosystem of this green robot. Most of the Google products can be enjoyed for free here. Fifth, the diversity of android smartphone options trading to create a strong competition among the vendors. This will stimulate the vendor to create android devices, aimed at the low end segment to the high end. So that all people can try out the sensation of android. Lastly, on the menu Android Market, there are thousands of applications ready for use from applications that support the daily work, photo gallery application, instagram, social networking applications, games and more. Only need to select which application you want to use and install on your phone. However, some applications are commercial, so you have to reach into the bag a little to use it. In android, people can find some easy and fun to use the internet. They will not lose contact with the internet and their friends. Android phone users now really take advantage of features of the android. Some people may use it for business as they are or just for fun. Adolescents usually buy android phone just because it takes a lifestyle. Generally, teenagers consider the android as a lifestyle that is up to date or are in social networks. Facebook and twitter are the most favorite feature often used by android users. They recognize and declare that the android is a favorite for many things that they do not find in other operating systems except the android. In addition, the android really understand what people need. Android really become famous and interesting topic among people, especially those related to lifestyle.

- Cause and Effect Paragraph -

Effects of Drinking Alcohol
As we all know that people are drinking alcohol just to imitate the lifestyle of people overseas, although its good or not for their health. Almost everyone who used to drink alcohol have experienced dizziness or feeling tortured another drink after that in the passing of the measure. However, more than a drunk, a habit of drinking alcohol is actually a very broad impact on health. The negative consequences of drinking alcohol will be on various organs in the body, from brain, mouth, gastrointestinal tract, to the large intestine. Excessive alcohol drinking usually cause a reaction of confusion, slowing the ability to react, blurred vision, until the loss of concentration and muscle coordination, all of which can make a person an injury or fatal accident. In addition, the use of alcohol in a short time and excess can lead to alcohol poisoning or alcohol intoxication, which could endanger lives. The long-term heavy drinkers at risk of chronic inflammation of the digestive tract, especially the stomach. Chronic inflammation that occurs in the gastrointestinal tract will cause a change in the structure of intestine to eventually turn into cancer. Chronic inflammation also often progress to cirrhosis of the liver or downsizing. Subsequent complications can vary, such as swelling of the abdomen, bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, to colon cancer. Another serious impact of alcoholism is a disease of osteoporosis, impotence, to the fertility problems and breast cancer. Even so, the effect of alcohol was not always bad. In the last five years the benefits of alcohol consumption in moderation has become a major topic of a variety of reports, though still considered controversial. One is the result of research on the benefits of alcohol consumed in moderation. Some studies also mention the positive effects are only found in people who are middle-aged. Moderate alcohol consumption is to lower the risk of heart disease. In addition, alcohol is known to thin the blood clots that prevent blood vessel blockage. Nevertheless, the potential risks and benefits of alcohol consumption is actually not the same in every person, depending on your medical history, age, gender, and genetic factors. Meanwhile, although consumed in small amounts, less tolerance of the use that the longer the higher so as to keep the risk of causing addiction. Finally, the use of alcohol was much more harm than benefit, any efforts to ban the use of alcohol among the general public had to be done of course through the various regulations.

* April 26, 2012 *

Operating procedure of LCD is very easy. First, take the remote of it and ray to the LCD. Second, pull down the layer. LCD, which is on the ceiling, must be match in the screen. After that, connect the cable of LCD into your laptop or computer. Then, choose the options of the icon according to your computer's brand. Finally, the LCD is ready to use. Using LCD is very simple.

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