Selasa, 12 Juni 2012

My All Assignments

NAME                                 : MUSRINA  

NIM                                     : 201010100311044

GROUP                               :  06

TOPIC                                 : Internet in education (the benefit of internet in education)

TOPIC SENTENCE          : The internet has many benefits for education

Nowadays, the internet has many benefits for education, especially in technological era which all of students or learners make the internet as their main reverences .On the other hand, internet can connect us to all over the world or serve us unlimited access to improve our knowledge. The specific benefits for education such as we can find many examples of research or paper if we require having a paper from our lecturers, we can visit digital library to read the book that we wanted for saving our time and energy. Moreover, we can do TOEFL exercise and knowing the result directly, downloading videos to listen the correct pronunciation if we are as language foreign learner. The other thing we can do is write or expose our talent in writing by create our own Blog and fulfill it with our writing and from this we can get the comment from the reader all over the world or even they just read our articles. To summarize up these benefits, most people believe that the existence of internet can elevate our knowledge in easy way and it has been use to all over learners in the world.
                                          Operating LCD

Operating procedure of LCD is very easy .Every student can do it as fast as possible, without any significant trouble.  First, we have to use the cable to connect your computer to the LCD projector. Second, pressing the button of the power to turn it on and it may take a minute to warm up .In addition, choosing the options of the icon according to your computer's brand and open the computer file or document that you need to display. To summarize up those steps, every student can operate the LCD projector without any trouble or wait any longer to turn it on.

The glamour district of Hollywood
The glamour district of Hollywood or well-known as Hollywood hills is a district in Los Angeles, California, United State of America which is situated in west-northwest of downtown Los Angeles. Hollywood itself is famous as cultural identity as the historical center of movie studio and movie stars which becomes the symbol of American cinema.
Nowadays, Hollywood is not only famous with American film industry but also place which spends big money, big ambition and everything about glamour and glitz. Lifestyle in Hollywood is all about the craziness and awesomeness events and activities which involve the biggest stars from the world of cinema, fashion and the music industry. From wild parties to mega award ceremonies, lifestyle in Hollywood is all about what the celebrities do, where they go and probably what they wear to bed. It is about the way of life of the stars that will seem unreal to people of the real world.
Eventually, Hollywood hill becomes the one of the important spot in America and also be the barometer of movie of the world. Moreover, many celebrities move from their city or country to elevate their carrier as the worldwide artiest.


Musrina (044)
Indah Charismayani (046)
Arinaya Al Falah (104)

The first invention of human beings was wheel. The wheel was the most important mechanical invention of all the time which was discovered in 3500 BC. Previously, it was only used on farm to help people brought their harvest; because, they were using the animal power as transportation at that time. However, in developing of era, it becomes the important tool of the transportation, such as: car, plan, motorbike, and etc. In conclusion, we have to be grateful for this invention which makes us easier to go somewhere.

Topic   : The first invention of human beings
Topic sentence: The first invention of human being was wheel
Controlling idea: wheel
Supporting sentences: The most important invention
                                  : The function of the wheel
Transition signals:  Previously, however, in conclusion
Concluding sentence: In conclusion, we have to be grateful for this invention which makes us easier to go somewhere.

Group 6
Musrina (044)
Indah Charismayani (046)
Arinaya Al Falah (104)

Topic : The room,we
Topic Sentence : 
- Very small
- No enough room for our belongings

List of CI :
- Only for one person to stay
- No enough for furniture
- Cannot add the new thing

Concluding : So, stay in the small room made us uncomfortable.

TS: Firstly, Secondly, moreover, so.

Type of paragraph:

The room was very small, and no one of us had enough room for our belongings. Firstly, the room which had small size was enough only for one person to stay. We could not put more furniture in there. Whether we put a lot of furniture it would increase the hot temperature of it. Secondly, we could add the thing at all; although, it was important for us. Moreover, we had to be more selective which thing that necessary to put in our room. So, stay in the small room made us uncomfortable.


The genres of music
Music has many types or genres. Music is one of the arts that medium is sounds and silence. Moreover, another definition of it is the science of combing sound in an artful manner that's pleasing to the ear and stimulating to the emotions. It can be divided into many types. Firstly, traditional music, it is a music which born in certain area and mostly following by traditional instrument. Moreover, it has unique lyric and melody which taken by the language from the local area itself. Secondly, metal music is one of the music which has been known to all over the world. This kind of music is lyrically about self-expression, frustration and rebellion of young generation which followed by the hard rhythm. However, this era metal music has many types or genres, such as, death metal, doom metal, folk metal, glam metal, heavy metal, industrial metal, metal core, neoclassical metal, nu metal, power metal and progressive metal. Thirdly, country music, it is the traditional country music influenced by blues and it is growing of white American culture, especially in the city of Nashville. Some of the early country artist Merle Haggard and Buck is Owens. Moreover, the most popular this day is Taylor swift. Next, classical music, in its original sense classical music is a musical composition that was born of European culture around A.D 1750-1825. Furthermore, it is usually classified by a certain periodicity which ranging from the classical period that followed by the baroque, Rococo, and romantic. In this era appear the big names like Bach, Mozart, or Haydn who’s produced works of sonatas, symphonies, solo concertos, string quartets, to the opera. In fact, the classical composers are never classifying the type of their creation. Therefore, the classification that we know right now is only to make easy especially for the academic interest. Finally, the last one is popular music or pop music. It is the one of genre of music which may become the most popular then the others type of it. Many people like it due to its easy listening and has commercial lyric and suitable for all ages. it is also became the reason why Music Television(MTV) was created. In brief, the type of music has been classified due to its melody and rhythm. Moreover, with the different streams of music, people can be more expressive to choose what type of music they prefer according to their personality.
Type of paragraph: clasification paragraph

                                                The cause of AIDS
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is caused by many factors and become one of the deadly diseases in human being’s history. AIDS was first reported on 5th of June in 1981, when the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) noted a cluster of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. This disease is caused by many factors. The first, it caused by sexual transmission which is occurs by skin contact between sexual secretions of one person to the mucous membrane of the rectum from the genitals or the mouth. The second, it is Exposure to blood borne pathogens which caused by Sharing needles. In addition, this case caused one and third of all new HIV infections in North America, China, and Eastern Europe. The next, Virus transmission from mother to child can occur in uterus during the last weeks of pregnancy and childbirth. Furthermore, in the absence of treatment, the rate of transmission between mother and child during pregnancy, labor and delivery is 25%. In contrast, whether the mother takes antiretroviral therapy and giving birth by Caesarean section then the transmission rate is only 1%. On the other hand, AIDS was claimed as the cause of the death of two million and four hundred thousand people in 2005 that more than five hundred and seventy thousand of whom are children. Dramatic developments are taking place in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. In the last 10 years, the number of people who infected with HIV virus jumped 250% to 1.5 million people. Russia and Ukraine are experiencing the growth of AIDS is most vulnerable with the increase in the number of infected people, which reached 90%. South Africa is the first country which has large number of AIDS victim which counts among five million and six hundred thousand people are infected. To conclude, Although the virus is classified as a dangerous and deadly, it does not mean someone who is infected with HIV do not have the opportunity to live long like other healthy people. Early detection and proper treatment can increase the chance of longer life for those living with HIV. Nevertheless, the majority of deaths from AIDS patients it is too late to know if they contracted by this disease. In 2010 alone there are six hundred and eighty people who died from AIDS, and two-thirds of them died due to late diagnosis.
Type of paragraph: Cause to Effect Paragraph..:)

                                           The equity of education in Indonesia
Indonesia’s education should apply the equity of education in all areas in Indonesia. Indonesia as developing country has many troubles to manage the high standard of education; moreover, about the equity itself. The biggest trouble comes from the government who always focuses their attention in the school which located in strategic areas or in the city. Therefore, the schools which located in hinterland or far away from central government are always ruled out. In addition, the education system in Indonesia has always adapted to the conditions of the existing political and bureaucratic. On the other hand, it is not a major problem in improving the quality of education. The important thing to do is how the field implementation including lack of educational equity and particularly in isolated areas. The equity of education in Indonesia is very important to improve the human resources. So, toward the equity of education which is effective and comprehensive, we need to know some of the fundamental problems that against our education sector. To solve those problems we have to concerning the constraints of capacity, infrastructure facilities, the lack of teachers, the conventional learning process, and the lack of funding or budgetary. Firstly, the limitation of capacity is very influential in the process of educational equity. For instance, many schools are having unbalance capacity by the number of student who accepted. As a result, the learning process becomes less than the maximum, because the quota of students in one class is still in large number.  Whereas, in developed country like Australia only educates about twenty students in one class. Therefore, whether we have to compare that the quota of students in Indonesia in the same class is a double than Australia. Secondly, the lack of funding is also being the crucial one to apply the equity of education. The lack the government provide the funding the more limited facilities for learning in the school. As a result, the student could not learn effectively without complete facilities and the teacher would always use the conventional method to teach them. In conclusion, Indonesia’s education government should pay attention more to the schools which placed in isolated area in order to make the equity of education are balanced. However, Educational equity could not be realized without the any cooperation from various parties, both government and society. So, whether the aim is reached the Indonesia’s human resources would get increase and would get easier to improve the nation become developed country.
Type of paragraph: argumentative paragraph    

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