Kamis, 21 Juni 2012

Individual Final Project


Name : Qulatul Maulidiyah
NIM  : 201010100311089

April 09, 2012

The Miracle of Mecca

       Mecca is the holy city of Moslems in the world. It is located in the middle of Earth’s mainland, between north pole and south pole. “Zero Magnetism Area” is another name for this city. When we put a compass in this area, a compass-needle not moving to another place because has a same attraction between these two poles. A society who lives in this city will live longer, healthier, and not easily influenced by the strength of the gravitational mass. This city also has a Kaabah, an inner sanctum for Muslims, located inside Masjidil Haram. This building became fixity direction of prayer for Islam in the world. It is also place for implementation of pilgrimage to fulfill fifth of Rukun Islam. So that, a city where the Prophet Muhammad SAW was born is the holy city of Muslim because has many superiority between many other cities around the world.

April 23, 2012
       The eraser, which has blue frame, is brough by Ayu. She bought it in the midtown. She bought a blue color because no another color. It is an expensive eraser. So that, she have to bring it because she is a secretary of the class and she bought it by class treasurary.

April 26, 2012
Operating LCD Projector
       Operating procedure of LCD is very easy. Everyone is able to operate it if they follow this procedure by well. Firstly, we have to make sure that LCD’s cable is connected to the electricity. Then, press power button on the LCD Projector or remote control unit. When we see the blue screen on the layer, it means that LCD Projector is already to use. Secondly, plug in the VGA’s cable to our personal computer. Following the instruction on the layer to fix the LCD is connected to our personal computer. Finally, we can see the LCD will display what on our computer. It is so easy to operate it, everyone can do it.

*Description Paragraph
An Interesting of Hometown

       For many people, hometown is an interesting place for stay. Many cities are under the head of it; for example, Belfast, Trinidad, Perth, and Erie. Belfast is Alison’s hometown. She had lived in it over 18 years until she go touniversity. This is a city that Titanic was built. Not only famous because of it but also famous with a big clock. For Kathleen, a Caribbean is the best place especially in Trinidad. She said that we can do lot of things in it as scubadiving, swimming, etc. According to her, weather is so hot. Erie and Perth are another interesting place for Jennifer and Astrid. They have some weather, and water is very warm in summer. So, every people have their interesting hometown.

*Cause and Effect Paragraph
Possitive Thinking

       A man who think a bigger way will think possitive. A man who struck a disaster always be patient with his condition. He thought possitive that he will be find. It begun with a man who got an accident, and this happen made him taked care of doctor in hospital. According to the video, he does not get a good taking care from doctors in hospital. However, he never protest about his condition and do it by possitive thinking. Because of his condition he get much lesson of life.

Final Project
*Cause and Effect Paragraph

Nowdays, obesity has become a serious global problem. A common cause of it is consuming an excessive food, excess in alcohol, and modern lifestyle that do not require an enough body movement. Also, a man who are consuming food with high in fat and sugars but low in vitamins is one of several factors that bring them to the obesity. It can become a matter of life. And also, it has serious health effect. First is can increase a risk of cancer. A relevance between obesity and cancer occur in all ages, including children. There are several factors that thought to increase cancer risk, except obesity. One of the factors is heredity, genetic factors cause some families have a higher risk of developing certain cancers when compared with other families. Those are types of cancer tend to be inherited in families that are breast cancer, ovarian cancer, skin cancer and colon cancer. Next is environmental factors. It is including smoking of a cigarette, ultraviolet light from the sun, and ionizing radiation. The last factor is psychological factors or emotional. In addition, a heavy stress can bring a man to cancer. All of this can be prevented by not smoking, avoiding foods high in fat, high-fiber foods such as vegetables and fruits, physically active lives, to seek the ideal weight and healthy living patterns. The second is  diabetes. It is usually found in urban areas, many consider that diabetes is a hereditary disease but from a number of patients diabetes is very little listed because due by hereditary factors. For this reason that is generally caused by the consumption of foods that are not controlled, all of this reason are beside from obesity. Above all, it is way to prevent diabetes are avoid sugary or too sweet; for example, chocolate, sweets and cakes and make it a habit to drink water as much as 7-8 cups per day. Also avoid sugary drinks such as syrups or soft drinks. The last is hypertension commonly also called high blood pressure. It  is a condition of the body have been drastically blood pressure long priods of time. Besides obesity, here are some things that cause hypertension, genetic or hereditary factors, age, salt, and cigarette. Owing to causes, an healthy foods can help relieve hypertension; such as,  celery, garlic, tomatoes, and yogurt. In a result that apply a healthy diet by eating nutritious foods every day. Also, avoid sugary or too sweet are awid rish from obesity.

*Contrast Paragraph
Domestic Vs Wild cottontails

Though they sometimes different, but there are many differences between domestic rabbits and wild cottontails. Domestic rabbits have been selectively bred for docility. For example, if the rabbit has lop ears, spots, wooly fur, or pink eyes, it is domestic. If it shows no fear of humans, it is a pet rabbit. Wild cottontails, on the other hand, have selectively bred for flighty and difficult to catch up with. In addition, they have longer legs, slimmer ears, and a more narrow face than the domestic rabbit. Moreover, they are naturally afraid of humans, its opposite with domestic  rabbits. Usually, wild ccottontails make their nests in areas that boggle our minds such as in the middle of an open yard. Moreover, a mother rabbit cares for babies and they are hiding in their nests from a grip of a  predator. It unlike with domestic rabbits that always kept by their own. Rabbit mothers nurse their babies for approximately 5 minutes a day. They will be in the nest or nest box early in the morning and then again in the evening. She is only visit the nest once or twice a day to nurse. On the other side, domestic rabbits also called pet rabbits are nursed by man not their mother. In case of nurse a pet rabbits, if baby of rabbits together with their mother, father or male have to remove in other place. Males will probably not hurt the babies, but he can impregnate the female again, even on the day she gives birth. Not only can he impregnate the mother rabbit; he will also impregnate the female offspring as soon as they mature. Today, many people love to pets like love to their children. It cause of their habbit to take care of pets. Both also have different behaviour. A domestic rabbits is more likely to sleep with their eyes closed and laying on its side. On the other side, a wild cottontails will almost sleep with their eyes open. Finally, the differences between both of them are seen from their behaviour.

*Argumentative Paragraph
Mobile Telephones, Banning of Use in Driving

In little more than a decade, mobile phones have become widespread in developed countries, changing the way people communicate and interact. Concerns over their use have tended to centre upon possible radiation’s impact upon the brain, but more recently mobile phones have been blamed for causing a considerable number of road accident. As a result a number of countries are seriously considering a ban on using a mobile phone while driving. According to me that using a mobile phone while driving is very dangerous. Physically holding a handset removes one hand from the controls, making accidents more likely, while dialing is even worse, as it also requires user to divert their attention away from the road. Research shows that drivers speaking on a mobile phone have much slower reactions in braking tests than no-users, and are worse even than if they have been drinking. Researh shows very little difference between using a handheld and a hands-free mobile phone, in terms of impaired concentration and worse reactions in braking tests. For some reason the brain treats a telephone conversation differently from talking to a passenger, perhaps because the passenger is also aware of possible road hazards in a way the telephone caller cannot be and so makes less demands upon the driver in terms of concentration at critical moments. In any case, risking drivers trying to use it getting frustrated and losing concentration. It would be inconsistent to ban one sort of mobile phone while allowing the other sort, which can be be just as lethal. So, goverment have to make a law about a ban on using a mobile phone while driving to avoid an accident that increasingly in the road.

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